Ever since we heard that Scientology is planning to buy the landmark KCET studio lot in Hollywood on Sunset Blvd, we’ve been shuddering. This 100 year old lot was the home of Monogram Pictures and Allied Artists in its heyday. Our Governor Brown should be alarmed at the prospect of yet another 14 million dollar property OFF the tax rolls to benefit a corporation masquerading as a church. (Of course, we think ALL religious properties should be taxed.) Even more horrifying is the possibility of Scientology broadcasting nonstop– perhaps they will establish a 24 hour TV station for recruitment purposes. Another piece of Hollywood is gobbled up by the cult.
Governor Jerry Brown KCET Scientology
This crap fest of a religion has ALWAYS been a multi-level ponzi scheme first and foremost; and then a way to strip human rights and bully and stalk and torturing came as a “fringe” benefit. Hope the people in Cali wake up and with Brown’s leadership, bring this NON church down. At the very minimum, yes, it should be taxed. Cali is so stupid it hurts.
Sorry Janet but its the federal tax code that has to be changed to make qualifications for non-profit religious institutions more stringent and that will never happen. I also think Scientology is a joke, but there are huge constitutional / freedom of religion issues there.
I don’t think a religion which substantiates that it’s not primarily for profit should be taxed, but there needs to be clear and updated guidelines governing that determination. Having said that, Scientology is not a religion in the sense that most define or understand it, and profit is clearly a high priority of theirs, so I’m all for yanking their tax exempt status yesterday.
Rick, you’re 100% correct. And Teddy, don’t blame ALL Californian’s for what some assholes do. If it were up to ME I’d tax ALL churches and the USA would have a lot more money if it did. Just the Catholics alone would bring in a pretty penney. But Scientolgy IS one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the public and is definitely NOT a religion. It’s a stupid fantasy made up by a sci-fi writer who was pretty bad at that. The things that I have heard about Scientology make my head spin it’s sounds so incredibly STUPID! Anybody who has ever heard a come-on for a ponzi scheme would definitely recognise Scientology as just that so you are right Teddy. Amazes me that the government hasn’t brought this thing down and allows it to continue unchecked in the name of “religion.” Scary dangerous how tossing that simple word into the mix can be.
Good luck to Jerry Brown. Hope he goes thru with it and is successful! Time for BIG changes and no better place to start than Calif!
Lord, this state is going down the toilet
Clearly, L. Ron Hubbard was smarter than the U.S. constitution.
it’s no coïncidence.
ah, better them then the greedy jews
Hahahahahah….a slap at the schylock’s!
It isnt just the yid’s this time…all the churches abuse this loophole which was never meant for commercially used property.
Governor, a word of advice: your life is now in danger. Surround yourself at all times with bodyguards and make sure one of the bodyguards does not secretly work for Scientology. These demons are ruthless and will stop at nothing, since now they are faced with losing their ‘religion’ status. They are serious; many can attest to it, but most who have spoken against SCI are dead and cannot speak out about this demonic cult.
So, Walt and Indy, let me ask you, do you find NOTHING offensive in the above post by strom?
I think churches should be taxed. But before that could happen, I think Scientology should be shut down. These 2 things will likely never happen.
But yes, I do think the tax loophole was never meant for commercially viable properties, or something, or whatever she said, above!
I do think ALL “religions” should be taxed. That way, whether I personally approved of them or believe in them or not, I don’t have to pay for them with my money.
Scientology seems to me to be L. Ron Hubbard’s little tongue-in-cheek inside joke and huge money-making scheme. Why are we still letting his insiders get away with it?
It’s a scandal!
Janet must be a former scientologist