Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Here’s absolute PROOF that Camille Grammer is returning to Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” She was photographed leaving a Lakers game at the Staples Center with her costar Kyle Richards. She and Kyle famously feuded last season and there’s no way they would be hanging out this weekend if they were not costars again. Camille has yet to admit she’s returning, but this photo settles the matter.

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  1. Taylor Armstrong – She is ashamed of her trailer park roots and poverty. Willing to live with a man she can’t stand in order to fit in.

    Camille Grammer – whored herself all the way to the top. Arrogant piece of crap that is more in love with herself than any man or woman she could ever meet.

    Kyle Richards – She knows what it is like to be poor and yet she has the nerve to look down on others and betray her sister publicly….nationally!!! Yes, her sister, Kim, drinks and desperately needs help but Kyle thinks she looks superior when she is bossing her older sister Kim around and bragging about how she supports her and her kids. (Although Kyle was helping her sister w/money, Kim helped her for years growing up and making a home for her. The whole family depended on Kim’s paycheck. )

  2. the main difference with prostitutes?
    ………..THEY FUCK FOR FREE, folks!!

  3. I think Camille was testing her wings at the Oscar telecast — and she was AWFUL. She’s lucky that Housewives still wants her. It’s a franchise that will be around for a few more years…

  4. Most Americans do not watch this rubbish do they?

  5. Camille isn’t now or ever a “housewife”…she wouldn’t know the meaning of the word. Look, she doesn’t even take her kids with her to a game?! Of course, THEY are back home with the 4 nannies: Mama, mommy, mom, and mother!

    I will only be glad if she DOES come back because it will give me more reasons to detest her fake plastic ass!

  6. Who cares what these so called “ladies” do. I luv the quote above. Well said

    the main difference with prostitutes?
    ………..THEY FUCK FOR FREE, folks!!

  7. Kunty Kyle is out and about once again!!! Wonder who she is backstabbing THIS time.

  8. If this show is a reality show and if it is on cable, I’m glad, cause I’ve never watched it. The only ‘reality’ show imho now is DWTS, and somehow it seems boring now.

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