Photo Credit: Splash News
Celebrity dolls just keep coming out of the woodwork. Jailbreak Toys beat their competition to the punch by releasing this Barack Obama doll in time for Christmas. The six inch action figure is perfect as a stocking stuffer and priced at an affordable $12.95. It’s flying off the shelves at stores in New York.
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How stupid! I wonder why he has one finger pointed downward – perhaps denoting the way the country will be under his regime?
He’s a joke.
Everything he spouted during his campaign has changed. He’s not for change – he’s for more of the same. Even worse.
The doll will sell big-time in New Orleans. Is not the Big Easy the home of the Voo-Doo doll, where one sticks pins in the doll’s various body parts to hurt the intended person. Madame Marie LaVeaux of Bourbon Street has such a shop full of voo-doo gadgets and she’d buy some. If it’s possible for the U.S. to go down even more with this liberal abortion-lover, then we will go down even more. Just wait.
I read that this figure was going for over 300 bucks on Amazon recently. It’s now dropped in price but there is a reason people want it.
Thinking Americans know that Barack Obama is far and away the most qualified person in the country to dig us out of the horrific situation created by what will go down in history as the most corrupt and disastrous administration in U.S. History.
In regards to “change,” he’s already done that with his Cabinet appointees. Not one of them comes from the Oil industry as every member of Bush’s close cabinet members did. He’s appointed people of varying ethnicities, sexual orientation, political beliefs and gender, each of whom is exceedingly qualified to handle their posts.
For anyone to call Barack Obama a liberal is just ignorance. Where are the liberal appointees. He’s a centrist…even the lunatic Right knows that.
And in terms of the figure pointing downwards, are you suggesting the country is at such a place that we can go much lower?
I have an idea Obama-haters. Act like real Americans and support your country and it’s new President. Buy the figure and point the finger up because that’s where we’re going!
Here’s how liberal.. he only voted present when he was a senator, he got his cruel bat face wife a high paying job to kick old and poor sick people out of the hospital so that others could come in that would pay.. He just can’t make a decision and have anyone tell him they didn’t like it.. so he’s going to gather up minds of others to do that and let them take the fall. He is a sneaky money grafter [refers to the rewards of corruption: the loot, booty, payoffs, or spoils]has hidden the real truth about his election donations,.and he wants the first lady to get paid.. so now you know it.
He was born in Kenya, Africa, barring presidency
He is pro-abortion
He supports gay rights
#1 broke man’s rules (U.S. constitution)
#2 and 3 breaks God’s rules.
No love for socialist Obama here! Count me in as skeptical too. He has not earned any of this ridiculas adullation. Hillary paid her dues and deserved that ticket.
The media manipulated the election & we still don’t know where his funding came from.
How very, GAY! Perfect for the average Obama kool-aid drinker!