drew_carey.jpgWe have fond memories of Drew Carey – and so does just about every waiter who ever served him. In fact, they fall all over each other to get to him first. The hefty TV star recently dined at Arnie Morton’s with a female companion described as “a petite dishwater blonde and pretty – not the amazonian stripper type he used to prefer. ” The fun couple had steaks and champagne and the dinner tab was $250. Drew, always a big tipper, left a TIP of $400 – that’s $650 total. And he no longer has a series!

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  1. I can just imagine how many times the poor server had to run back and forth for drews many dishes.Good lord this man needs a diet.Big as a house

  2. you 2 are mean people.I think he sounds like a great guy.Imagine how he made his server feel leaving that kind of a tip must have made his week.Good going Drew.

  3. Those servers better get those Drew tips while they’re still hot. Tipping like that he won’t have any money left at some point.

  4. God, Bev, do you always have to be so mean? I just happen to be a plus sized gal and I love Drew! I’ll serve as many steaks to him as he likes.

  5. I know a stripper who used to date him and she said he’s in to “femdom”. He totally likes the girl to be the guy in the bedroom. She works at Cheeta’s.

  6. i have a close friend who (was) close friends with carrey when he started his series and told me what a vindictive asshole he was. since then. i don’t believe crap about him.

  7. i dont believe it.
    now, if he paid, i mean tipped his date for going out on the town with him, i might believe that.

  8. mimi was like the best character on his show ever. she is hilarious.
    it isnt a new observation that guys can look like him and be cute, but if a woman has looks like that faggedaboudit!

  9. Carey also tips the pro Domina’s very well. He tips about 70% and is a nice guy if you’re into whtat hes into (humiliaion, xdressing).

  10. Why is this story being posted now? Is he looking for work? I’ll never understand people who tip hundreds of dollars or the fact that servers expect gigantic tips from celebrities.

  11. Well, what can I say the guy is a former Marine. I’ll bet that can shed the weight in about 4 months if he really wanted to.
    The one thing the Marines instowed upon in him is to stay away from drugs. knock on wood.
    His weight is a part of his image, just like it was for John Candy, but look what drugs did to candy.
    What kind of a moron would use drugs in the first place? Or rather, what kind of a friend supplies their so called friends with drugs? A LOSER.
    Who needs enemies with friends like that.

  12. If you had show named after you, wouldn’t you be a perfectionist.
    Sometimes you have to be an asshole to get your point across.
    Think of all the stars who’ve had shows in their name and didn’t amount to dittly squat.
    Wonder why?

  13. there is a story on tmz that ashlee simpson and her gang were smoking a bob marley cigar in the patio of the restaurant. haha. maybe they got a ride there from mischa barton.

  14. He doesn’t need a series and he’ll be just fine even if he tips like that every time he dines out. He’s rolling in residuals.

  15. Wonder how much his haircuts cost? I wonder if that guy ever thought about joining the Marine Reserves.
    Naw, I think he’s got a higher set of standards these days.

  16. Overtipping is usually compensation for your own inadequacies. Besides that, why should people who have money be expected by waitstaff to overtip them? Because they fawn more over a celebrity? Tipping is way out of control in this country — let corporate America pay decent salaries so that the rest of the country isn’t expected to pick up the tab for their’s staff’s salaries. And the response that the restaurant’s would have to charge more is bullshit. They’re already overcharging.

  17. Read Drew Carrey’s bio. Then make your nasty comments. You people are really sad human beings.

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