#mindymccready #janetcharlton

Blaming Dr Drew Pinsky for the death of Mindy McCready or any of the other Celebrity Rehab patients who eventually overdosed is beyond ridiculous. Every one of his celebrity patients who died was a long term substance abuser and didn’t want to help themselves. Besides McCready’s suicide, actor Jeff Conaway, police brutality victim Rodney King, Real World participant Joey Kovar, and musician Mike Starr, have overdosed. It’s a sad fact that some addicts simply do not want to be “cured” and do not respond to any kind of help. Dr Drew doesn’t have a higher number of casualties than other addiction specialists- they‘re just more visible. Sadly, some people simply cannot be saved.

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  1. Pinsky is only interested in two things, sensationalism and filling his pockets with cash.

  2. Dr Drew is a pimp for losers. He’s about as expert on addiction as my dog.
    No one accuses him as a cause. He’s just an ultimate TV whore

  3. I don’t know why anyone would want to get into that line of work. It must be incredibly painful and frustrating. I try very clear to stay clear of addicts. I am pretty selfish that way.

  4. He, just like Dr. Oz and others of that ilk, put fame and fortune before patient care

  5. I think she killed the her boyfriend or husband. If she doesn’t have any qualms about shooting a dog what was that guy to her, if not worse than a dog?

  6. Right on target Bob Barnett. Dr Drew is a sleaze who doesn’t care about the people he exploits.

  7. What’s wrong with you ,Janet?!Are you trying to stir some water?Nobody is balaming Pinsky for her death.So,your comment is pretty useless.

  8. Man – what a bunch of hateful people. Addiction is hard to treat and it does not work for most people.

    Maybe all those who dogged this man should go work in this field and THEN, and only then, make a statement.

    As of now, they sound like an uneducated bunch of people. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

  9. Janet, no one is accusing Dr. Drew of killing Mindy – but he certainly didn’t help her either. If his track record with regards to helping people is so abysmal – why is he on tv touting his methodology for helping people, all the while promoting his rehab center off of which he makes millions? I can’t remember where I read this, but Dr. Drew himself dabbled in cocaine in his younger years. The Dr.’s who lust after the limelight, like Dr. Drew, are motivated by self interest – not helping others. His sanctimonious posturing – as if he has all the answers, and if his poor ,helpless minions just listen to him, they’ll be okay – is what makes most people want to throw up.

  10. I agree with @Beachy. The “celebrities” that Dr. Drew has on his show have long standing addiction histories. Their lives are usually a big mess and they’ve been through various rehabs and treatments multiple times. Most of them appear to be at or near rock bottom. I’m not sure why everyone hates Dr. Drew. I’ve read one of his books and he comes across as a caring individual who states that addiction counselors can only do so much…it has to “click” with the addicted person that they are ready to be clean. You can’t blame any addiction counselor when the patient relapses.

  11. This girl’s story breaks my heart. Think of her children….”both my parents killed themselves rather than stay with me”. They are in my prayers.

  12. Pinsky is a quack. Any medical professional who comments publicly on the health conditions of another individual without permission should be disciplined by the appropriate licensing board.

    He invites vulnerable sick people on his show, mistreats them and holds them up to ridicule and, ultimately, they take their own lives. He should lose his license for this.

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