Marlon Brando’s Tahitian grandson Tuki is making a name for himself in the modeling world but we’re not sure he looks much like his famous grandfather. Marlon’s third wife was Tarita, and Cheyenne their daughter, was Tuki’s mother. Tuki, 20, has had a tragic life – his father Dag Drollet was shot and killed by Christian Brando in 1990. At that time, beautiful Cheyenne was pregnant with Tuki. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and killed herself when Tuki was 5. He was raised by his grandmother Tarita and at the age of 15 appeared on the cover of L’Uomo Vogue. Tuki is not only a hot model, but he’s studying medicine in Bordeaux, France.

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  1. Tragic but goodlooking wonder if he has a trust fund?

  2. I always wondered what happened to this boy. If he needs someone to play doctor with, I readily volunteer : )

  3. What a clever marketing twist to sell a watch. He’s got the right look to pull it off too. Not surprising that Versace snatched him up.

  4. Very handsome, sorry for him with that screwed up background

  5. What a handsome lad! He defintely favors his mother, Cheyenne…
    He just might have a chance at a good and productive life, having been raised by his paternal grandmother. Hope so. Still, I can’t help but wonder if genetics will play a role in the end.

  6. Finally a celebrity relation worth giving press. Brava J, well played.

  7. yeah he is a beauty….these arent even the greatest pics Ive seen of him….I googled him once…he is really hot…hope he lives his life well.

  8. Wow, what a family resemblance. I can see his mother(who was very beautiful) as well as the great Mr Brando himself. Hopefully all the bad stuff is behind him.

    Very striking photos, gorgeous eyes. He definitely has his own look about him.

  9. His cool name won’t hurt his modeling career either.

  10. How the time flies—and what an enormous tragedy that all was…

    Beautiful and deeply troubled Cheyenne lied to her half-brother Christian, saying that Dag (father of her unborn child [Tuki]), had assaulted her; Christian shoots Dag to death and subsequently goes to prison; as Janet pointed out, Cheyenne later hanged herself, wracked, apparently, by grief and plagued by mental illness.

    I remember Brando breaking down in tears as he described his love for Christian (who is now also dead)—during the trial. It was heat-rending.

    Agree with all above in wishing the best for this young man.

  11. Looking gorgeous and wishing him the best… Unfortunately Cheyenne Brando couldnt take it anymore and chose to end her own life. Her famous father played a major part in that, he molested her while she was a little girl.

  12. Best of luck to him and hopefully the famous name wont be a millstone. Hopefully he doesnt go the Adam Lambert route and go fag!

  13. I didn’t know about that, XYZ, How very sad.

    I do remember that Cheyenne was herself a model for a time, and that Brando fell in love with Tahiti while filming “Mutiny on the Bounty” (he played Fletcher Christian), and built his own version of paradise there.

    I think the enduring tragedy of his life was the way in which his children struggled so; but how much of which he may himself have been directly responsible for, who knows?

    (Another of his sons—Miko—was for a time a bodyguard/good friend to Michael Jackson.)

  14. Sounds as if mental ilness runs in the Family.

    I hope he doesn’t go all Colonel Kurtz “I’ve seen horrors… horrors that you’ve seen. “

  15. Yes, this family had more than it’s share of tragedy. I hope this son escapes his mother’s mental illness, and the apparent mental problems of the other members of his family as well. Brando was a real nut, and his son Christian had to have had a few screws loose to have murdered Dag while he slept on the couch.

    I hope this young man has a fabulous life and isn’t affected too much by his tragic beginning.

  16. I am so Happy that Marlon Brandos had children and grandchild that is the blessing that he left on this earth and that is something that we all still have on this earth and I welcome him with open arms to the world of show Business and You do look nice and the world needs to see more of you and hear more from you and it is nice to see some one that is part of History of Brandon Family and I bet your Grandfather is looking down from Heaven with joy in his heart that some one has picked up the acting bug and is showing the world the next Generation.!

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