Outfest held the Legacy Awards last night (a benefit to preserve gay and gay related film) and David “Californication” Duchovny was a presenter. According to a witness, he attended the event with his 8 year old daughter Madelaine and she waited in the audience when he went onstage. While he was onstage it was announced that they were about to show clips of gay moments in cinema through the years. David deadpanned “Can someone please cover my daughter’s eyes and ears?” The audience didn’t laugh – they were wide-eyed and offended. They asked each other “Did he really say that?” They were annoyed because the clips were no more sensational than clips at ANY award show – there was nothing potentially offensive. Did they overreact or was Duchovny insensitive? David left right away, apparently unaware of the stir.
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Being offended is the new black.
How gay.
I would have asked for my daughter to be removed from the room.
It’s 2007 people, you can stop being ignorant! Have you seen his show where he’s a womanizer?! That’s acceptable behavior? Does he show his kid that.
And you “who would ask your child to leave the room,” your a bad parent and should learn that being gay is not a choice or a kinky fetish. It’s just they way GOD makes you. Your kid could be gay and grow up confused and with self hatred because they feel they are bad for something they can’t change! UGH. People should have to take a test to have children!
He is such a has been
I have nothing against gays.
It’s the “I’m offended” thing that’s a problem…oh yeah, and painting every single building in L.A. brown or beige…that’s gay.
I don’t think he said anything wrong and I am gay. I think it was funny. Why is everyone so frickin sensitive these days???? Everything has gotten so politically correct to the point that its claustrophobic.
Born Gay, God did not make you gay – he gave you free choice. He killed all the gays in Sodom and Gomorrah.
What the hell was he doing bringing his kid to a gay event anyway? Not the place for children, dipshit
but I love Californication
and he said in an interview on Monsters & Critics I think, that he would never let his kids watch that show!!
Your comments are an abomination…YOU should be ashamed of yourself…However it happens is not for you to say or preach to anyone. If one of my children came to me and announced he/she were gay I would love them just the same..no different. Maybe if you thought of EVERYONE as GOD’S children you would have a kinder attitude. Who knows maybe HE will even forgive YOU.
“He is such a has been”
It’s alot better to be a has been , than a never was.
“While he was onstage it was announced that they were about to show clips of gay moments in cinema through the years. David deadpanned “Can someone please cover my daughter’s eyes and ears?”
Not knowing what those clips might be and having an 8-year-old child in the audience, I might’ve asked the same thing.
BTW: Californication is smart, funny and sexy; a terrific show.
well, just saying, If he had some doubts about the nature of the festival, he should not have brought his daughter.
Just showed that the audience didn’t have any sense humour..
“Gay cinema through the ages” might have included some raw European films or porn films to shake up the mix. He was right to be concerned about what his daughter would see.
Uh, he was trying to make a joke that fell flat, so quit calling him a bad father or a homophobe.
Grow up.
He probably would have done that at any awards show announcing they were showing LOVE scenes. Get over it.
first of all, if it were me, i wouldn’t have taken my children there, however, since he didn’t have the common sense not to, his comments were okay…it would’ve been better to leave the child @ home…but spending time with dad @ work is okay too….
They were ridiculous to be offended by such an innocuous remark.
I think he was joking when he said that, he had to have discussed with his kid all about gays and about the event beforehand or he would not have taken her. He was just trying to get a laugh.
Born Gay,
The moment that you decided to sleep with the same sex, you made the choice to be gay.
Born Gay,
The moment that you decided to sleep with the same sex, you made the choice to be gay. Be proud of your decision if your happy to be gay.
Sex without marriage is a sin, gays can’t get married so therefore gay sex is a sin! No more or no less than straight sex outside of marriage. I agree his only mistake was taking his young daughter in the first place.
Sex without marriage is a sin, gays can’t get marries so therefore gay sex is a sin! No more or no less than any sex outside of marriage. I agree his only mistake was taking his young daughter in the first place.
Sex without marriage is a sin, gays can’t get married so therefore gay sex is a sin! No more or no less than straight sex outside of marriage. I agree his only mistake was taking his young daughter in the first place.
Janet: Why are you allowing this hate on your site?
Shame on you.
maybe he was joking. I am gay so thats what I think.
What an outrage.
As punishment, he should be buggered daily, in front of his family, for a straight month.
1st: Why would any one choose to be gay? Really…it is a shitty life where you are constantly ridiculed by others…why would any one CHOOSE this? 2nd: For the people that say, “its a choice”. That almost makes you sound gay because you make it sound like you even considered it yourself like having choclate or vanilla! Stop all the hate…God did not hate and accepted ALL people..you are hypocrites!
Gays need to get over themselves. I’m sick and tired of the “I’m offended” cracks.
He did nothing wrong. Grow a skin people!!!!!!!!
Did anyone even remotely think that the man was being sarcastic and joking?
I thought it was funny. It would
also have been funny if he said that after they announced they would show clips of heterosexual moments. Either way, it’s funny.
Why would anyone be a drug addict, alcoholic, thief, rapist,
adulterer, obese, etc. They know they will be ridiculed by others, yet they “choose” to start these acts. No hate here, just giving a different point of view.
First off, how do people know it has been reported EXACTLY as it happened? A gay man who was there on another site said the audience were not offended and David is known as a joker and would take the mick out of anything.
I think you people are allowing yourselves to be influenced by blogs and how things are reported, building up a picture of gays and their behavior through incorrect or INACCURATE reporting. Gays do not get offended at the drop of a hat. Sometimes jokes fall a little flat but don’t believe everything you read!
“Gays need to get over themselves. I’m sick and tired of the “I’m offended” cracks.”
But this is your problem, you are too influenced by how things are BEING REPORTED, not the reality of the situation. Has it occurred to you that gay things get dramatized MUCH more to make ALL gays look constantly offended? I realize you won’t have the patience to absorb this fact. There are gay people HERE on this page saying they are not bothered by David’s comments.
So why is it always the media making gays look like a bunch of hissyfitters every five minutes? This in itself is the real homophobia, done very subtley and slyly. Not nice at all. It’s media reporting that is causing problems, not people.
People should learn to accept one another and for all the Bible crunchers on this page prattling on about “sin”, I am sure you all live blameless, whiter than white lives, at age 14 or whatever you are, little tinpot dictators. And what if other people don’t want to follow the bible? And that’s a lot of people.
“1st: Why would any one choose to be gay? Really…it is a shitty life where you are constantly ridiculed by others…”
The ony reason it is ridiculed is because it’s ridiculed by the ridiculers. Therefore it’s the ridiculers with the problem, not the gays. Take the ridiculers out of the equation and we have peace and equality.
The onlt thing wrong with “gay” is Rosie ODonnell. I don’t care who you are. what you do or who you do… Just don’t shove it in my face 24/7 and be militant to the point where you are obnoxious, boring & annoying. Ellen is cool… Roise is just offensive.
is just funny how somebody with a show called caliFORNICATION! can be worried about anything like that, laughable…
I wouldn’t have gone to the gay thing in the first place.
hello- his daughter is 8. he probably would have said this leading to clips to any kind of questionable scenes, say like, his show, californication. quite trying to make drama where there is none.
You wrote: Why would anyone be a drug addict, alcoholic, thief, rapist,
adulterer, obese, etc.”
Give me a break! You cannot even begin to equate being gay with these items….they are completely different that ones sexuality…..sounds like you are homophobic since you had to find negative connotations to make your lame point.
Everyone has homosexual fantasies.
For those that doubt you are born gay. Can you tell me the moment YOU had that choice? What you’re saying is one day you said, Hmm, boy or girl. I don’t remember that, I just remember it was natural.
My brothers gay and one hell of great human being which i know he didn’t choose. If you don’t believe that you need and education.
As far as David, I believe he was making fun of the ignorant people who wouldn’t allow their children to watch. It just fell flat. The crowd was probably a little sensitive which is understandable with all the ignorance in this world.
I don’t care what he said all I know is that he is hot and I do him anytime. and he’s is hung ..!!!!!!
I was there and he was asking that his 8-year-old daughter’s eyes and ears be covered before showing clips of his work on Californication and The Larry Sanders Show.
It is christians and the religious right that are what is wrong with this world. Not the gays. All Christians should just go screw themselves!
He’s hot but not that good. Stupid to bring your children to ANY awards show! For a closer look at David, rent the Mimi Rogers starrer, “The Rapture”. Scary and disturbing film.
doesn’t it also say that gossip is a sin in the bible?
what kind of site is this?
that’s so funny that christians can pick and choose which rules from the bible they want to live by and which ones they want to judge other people on.