Leave it to Kid Rock to sum up his opinion of Justin Bieber in two words “Vanilla Ice!” Rock predicts that Bieber’s career will follow the same downhill trajectory as the 80’s white hip hop singer. ”It’s gonna be a long ride down.” he told Howard Stern. Kid Rock also predicted that Bieber would be seduced by drugs in the June GQ magazine. We are fascinated by the fashion and hair similarities the two share. Vanilla Ice (Robert Van winkle) was last seen flipping houses in Florida on cable TV.
Justin Bieber Kid Rock Vanilla Ice
The last person I’m interested in defending is Justin beiber or vanilla ice, but what has kid Rock done in a very long time, or for that matter what did he ever do other than marry Pamela Anderson for 15 seconds.
If any of us were being judged as closely as these guys what would people say about us.
correct, they’re both sad pricks.(bankrupt ones)
American ‘soccer moms’ have made this complete loser a ‘star’.
Kid rock doesn’t have to do anything, he grew up really, really rich.