AguileracutMTX_261x450.jpgChristina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman continue to be one of the happiest married couples in Hollywood. We think Christina PROVED her love when she removed her 12 piercings at Jordan’s request. This pair adores Halloween or any excuse to get dressed up in crazy costumes. Christina threw Jordan a Hawaiian themed birthday party in New York and he wore a touristy “I hope I get lei’d tonight” t- shirt with a grass skirt, and she dressed up sort of like Elly May Clampett goes Hawaiian.

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  1. Cute couple but I bet he will cheat on her, most ugly guys cheat on their hot ladies.

  2. Opposites attract…
    Actually, I thought all the hot ladies cheat on the ugly looking guys.
    Ugly guys don’t get much attention, equally true for butt ugly women. But you gotta consider when the lights go out at night – it about all feels the same (if you know what I mean).

  3. Correction, ugly chicks do get laid more verse the ugly guys.

  4. He is one homely dude. I guess it’s true: love is indeed blind!

  5. She must be totally nuts! What would any woman see in that hideous little troll?
    Bratman is the ugliest motherf@(er I ever saw in my life, HANDS DOWN!!
    Why a hot babe like Aguilara would even spit on him, is beyond me!!

  6. She always looks cheap no matter how hard she tries. Her music lacks individuality, sounds generic. She doesn’t rock even though she has a great voice. Bad songs, bad production.

  7. Umh… Maybe he has a great personality???
    Great to know she’s not a shallow one that only marries for looks or money or fame.

  8. unn excuse me, but, you know I bet there relationship last’s for a long time, because of the fact that he’s no THAT good looking.
    you guys will prob never get married, and have it last, if you depend on their looks.
    you know maybe there are really happy together, and u know maybe he does have a great personality.

  9. Well there marriage is now terminated! Does anybody know the real facts?? Most online sources like almost every one of them point to Christina cheating on Jordan. But one person on youtube in a comment is like well he cheated on her first.

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