Another Christian Bale theory has appeared that MIGHT explain his temperamental behavior. How do we put this delicately? It’s common knowledge that Christian and Heath Ledger were close friends. They were both “intense” actors and seemed to have a lot in common. Both complained of insomnia and had mood swings. Is it possible that they had prescription medications in common also? Mothers HAVE been known to be highly critical of these things. Heath Ledger’s drug problems separated him from HIS family – that’s all we’re going to say. Just thinking out loud.
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Ok but ..maybe he’s just a cocky bastard too
Or many they are just opportunist carny folk who felt it was a great opportunity to start a 3 ring circus. I have a feeling that it will come out that his mother is not exactly maternal….more greedy.
FRIENDS IN ‘NEED’ ???? hmmmmmmm.
Say nothing.
ur website is busted
What a load of crap. All of it.
Ledger’s junkie style death is being used to sell a movie. Worse yet is that gullible people are running to the theaters in droves falling prey to this filthy marketing tactic.
So Janet, you’re a psychiatrist now? Spewing your inane psychobabble like you know what you’re talking about is laughable, at best, hurtful at worst.
it wasnt drugs it was prscription doctor so stfu this stupid site s*cks d*ck
I really like Christian Bales acting and it is just as good as Heath Ledger and with the Death of Heath has something to do with Pain Medication and Depression Meds mixed together and that is what killed him. Stress and worry and pain and passion of acting had something to do with that as well and yes we are blessed to have such a wonderful actor as Christian Bale and there are so many ways he can be healthy and strong and live a long ass life and..It is simple take one or the other and not on the same day and depression…Is something I Will never understand when it comes to the very rich and yes he works so hard but He can step back and take some much needed time off from work and relax with a massage each and every day and…He can afford to have one come over to the house and massage him until he is dead asleep and as far as depression…He can change his diet and take some time off..To think things throw and spend time with his family and his life is not all about and more work…Keep in mind your a million dollar man and life should and could be fun..If you stop and smell the roses and do something fun and have enjoyment.