If “unacceptable” is the harshest word Chris Brown can come up with to describe his vicious beating of Rihanna, then it’s apparent that he felt it was not such a big thing. “Unacceptable” is a word you might use when you forget your girlfriend’s birthday – NOT when you beat her bloody and leave her in the street. And Chris never actually mentioned the assault – he minimized it by referring to it as an “incident.” He was oddly attired in a non aggressive, almost feminine looking Asian inspired shirt. We also suspect his motivations are self-serving because he was recently at a party where Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey showed up. Chris was heard making fun of Nick for being so attentive to his wife Mariah.
Apology Chris Brown Rihanna
He is in his lawyers office, reading off a teleprompter. Hard to believe he doesn’t come off sincere. L-O-S-E-R
the only thing he seems sorry about is that it negatively affected his career.
I’m sorry about that waiter outfit he’s wearing, however, that said, he’s pond scum…worse than that, he’s the scum on pond scrum. He’ll have a great career because so many young women are willing to forgive him for the ‘incident’ and now that he’s done his fake apology…they’ll also forget, and keep buying his music, and young women love a bad boy, especially if he says he’s sorry. Give him time…he’ll break the law again.
Time to move on…….
People like him will never admit what they really are.
This clown is only sorry he got caught. I agree Janet, “unacceptable” is a lame word for what he did to Rhianna. What gets me is that he’s told the sad story about how his stepfather abused his Mom. Seeing that didn’t teach him the right way to treat women, did it?
The sad part about Chris/Rihanna incident is how unfair people have been in regards to this case…Sean Penn beat Madonna in the 80’s and won 2 Academy awards and Sean wasn’t 19 when this incident happen…Tommy Lee beat his wife Pamela….where was the outcry for justice on that case…. later on Tommy Lee had a show on VH1 and again he wasn’t 19 yrs. old…..Chris wrote his own words and I’m happy he used a teleprompter just like world leaders and even our President who is known for his great emotional speeches read from a telepromter for CHANGE and HOPE….and he has speech writers….if he would have gotten up there and use nothing then people would have said he sounds crazy and stupid couldn’t really understand him and etc….so Janet it doesn’t matter if he did this at home in a office you have made up in your mind long before this video you don’t like him and a apology didn’t mean anything to you 5 months ago or a few days ago….These are young kids and I don’t condone Chris actions but I believe we all deserve a second chance because Janet many were given too you…we as a society are so quit to write people off and case them to hell when we all have fallen short…you don’t have to agree with what I have said like I didn’t agree with what you said but note this if you have children and your child makes a mistake in life the same mercy his mother is asking and seeking you would do the same…have a great day..
He is a brainless asshole who can barely talk. He comes off retarded. Did he mention that he bit her and threatened to KILL her…but oh….sorry for the “incident”…
Everyone is talking like it was only one time, as if suddenly he got violent. It’s like coackroaches: if you see a few when the lights are on, imagine how many are sneaking around your apartment in the dark!
Even if it was his very first “incident”, physical violence stems from psychological abuse. I’ll bet there was a lot of sick behaviour leading up to this one day. From my experience, the verbal/psychological abuse is way worse than any beating.
People don’t change their core, the way they relate to their lovers, just by making a decision. It takes a lot of guided behavioural modification and introspection, not waterskiiing and partying.
I’m with Reta, and getting a mask for my dog. Sunshine, sounds like yo man got you beat up good sos you act right!
@Bettye…never been hit by a man but what that have to to with FORGIVENESS…and remember she never pressed charges on him and fought to have the stay way order removed does that sound like a female being battered repeatly….she isn’t mad like you people she reconciled with him soon after and if the public didn’t make such a big deal about it she probably would still be with him…people need to stop already.
Chris Clown is OVAH, Rovah.