Cher has more reasons to be grateful for her incredible life than most people we know. She has lived like royalty and been admired for most of her existence. None of this probably would have happened if her father’s predecessors hadn’t left Armenia. But is Cher grateful to America for showering her with riches? Nope, she holds a grudge. She announced that she doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving because she whines, “It glorifies crimes against native Americans.” (Apparently Cher considers herself one because her mother Georgia Holt claims to have Cherokee in her family) She even accuses the US Army of deliberately giving Indians small pox infected blankets in the 1700’s! This gruesome theory has never been substantiated and begs the question “How does one wage germ warfare when he doesn’t know what a germ IS?” Listen Cher, you don’t have to be religious or political to celebrate Thanksgiving – you only have to be grateful for what you have!
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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dumb ass
Really Janet? You conveniently left out that Cher said Thanksgiving is a time for her family to come together for dinner and a movie and to be grateful for many things. She doesn’t celebrate the true origins if it…but does anyone really? Don’t think so. Cher’s Charitable Foundation donates mega $$$ to various charities in the US (well documented). I think that shows she is “Grateful” for her blessings…Do a little research and don’t just copy n paste next time.
I am inclined to give Cher a pass on this. I don’t quite know what to make of the small pox in the blanket thing however but native americans were decimated by the colonists.
At this point in the human time line there is not a active tradition that does not have a down side for some group.
Cher should change her name to another 4 letter word that starts with a C, ends in a T and in the middle is UN!
In 1763, Lord Jeffery Amherst, commander of all British troops in North America had discussed in several letters that blankets people with smallpox had slept in at Fort Pitt, were to be distributed to the Indians in the area.
It’s not known if his subordinate, Colonel Henry Bouquet, carried it out, but there was a smallpox epidemic among the Indian population that lived in the Area of Fort Pitt, now Pittsburgh.
Thank you Janet. I concur with you; celebrating Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, not to bitch about how horrible you think this country is.
Cher, do us all a favor, pick a better country.
Go Tagg!
Carlos/strom/or whatever ur name is, you are an unspeakable pig. Please crawl back under your rock ASAP!
So Cher is an ungrateful American, but, the man who ruined America by giving essentially welfare 2 the wealthy/Corporations, destroying the environment, trading drugs for weapons, and laying the groundwork for Oil Wars (Ronald Reagan) is a great American and hero? LOL
@Becca – thanks for the lesson of true history. There is nothing to celebrate about this day unless ure a retard. And as u can see most of us are. If truth hurts, even better.
Poor Bitter Marsha….Strom is just Strom. Direct your hate at the witch in the mirror.
Its not about posters and not really about celebrity view on American history.
If anyone ever visits an Indian reservation they will see people with little self respect and no amount of the self reliance their ancestors had. They see people who enjoy being enabled by the govt and are happy to grovel in it.
When will old ladies stop trying to look like they are in the twenties?
Cher is an over-the-hill has been that desperately wants to be relevant.
Never cared for her before and care even less now.
@ Mama…Do us all a favor and learn how to read & comprehend basic English first before you start trying to deport anyone! Lol
Poor Tagg….do you really know anything about Cher’s Foundation except PR BS? Highly doubtful. Most of these are vanity projects like J Lo’s that end up as a place to employ relatives at high salaries. Most are tax scams that do little real good. Ashamed the money doesn’t go where needed.
Don’t lecture where you have no knowledge or experience!
She even accuses the US Army of deliberately giving Indians small pox infected blankets in the 1700’s! This gruesome theory has never been substantiated
The US Army did and it has been substantiated
many times!
Cher has always been nuts. A good singer but a loon. Look at those two kids she raised. Can either of them even support themselves?
If anyone ever visits an Indian reservation they will see people with little self respect and no amount of the self reliance their ancestors had. They see people who enjoy being enabled by the govt and are happy to grovel in it.
She’s dedicated her life and fortune to help them.. oh wait..
It is a common victimism mechanism in modern First Nations vernacular that old smallpox/blanket bullshit. The fact is smallpox vaccine was not available yet and missionaries and Hudson Bay fur traders brought the virus to the remote communities.
One must wonder how things might have been better for First Nations if the Chinese had colonized North America before Northern Europeans?
@Lindy500: It was the British Army that might have done it in 1763, 14 years before the American Revolution started.
There was no US Army up until 1775 & then it was called the Continental Army!
You’re as dumb as Cher.
Good one Dee Cee!!!!
I don’t care what the “queen of the plastic surgeries” old hag is thankful for and what she is not thankful for. All I know is I don’t like her deep mannish voice and, after 15 minutes of listening to her, I desperately need 3 or 4 glasses of wine/and/or whatever is available.
What kind of moron equates being grateful for what you have to being proud of where your momma popped you out? Idiots. So typical of morons to be proud of something they had nothing to do with.
Janet, Cher isn’t an ungrateful person. She’s done a lot for, and given a lot to, her favorite charities. And she is part Cherokee – and has been unabashedly proud of her heritage since the earliest days of her career.
And why is it your ignorant diatribes like this one typically involve a racial minority? Hmmm.. The thing you appear to feel most strongly about is harboring a narrow minded judgmental opinion.
Ha…the code word for Cher’s great work is sending money for Gay issues as that is her largest fan base. Cher Cares is the watchword while the homo’s continue to infect themselves and spread the disease.
Anoint Cher as Queen of Gay Island and let them parade until they drop!
lmao, hilarious. To protest the shabby treatment of an ethnic minority closely associated with a holiday by not celebrating that holiday has zero to do with how personally grateful a person is.
You have to really TRY to draw such a stupid parallel, or else this is just a holiday bone you threw for the bitter sociopaths among your commenters to chew on.
Gay favorite Cher has no more Indian blood than most Americans and far less than many:
Cant Cher and the Kardashians go back to Armenia? Sorry, no BLACKS there the Kardashians wont like it.
tell me: what is it she has to prove to ya all?
The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by Quakers and the Indians that kept them alive after they arrived. All the other crap came before and afterwards. Nothing wrong with celebrating the good of something, and sure, shame on the groups that came, and there were many, from countries far and near, who ransacked the Americas.
Abraham….Cher is doing the yacking….better she just keep quiet on the subject if she doesn’t want comments. Tell her to just sing to the fags and stay out of politics.
The reason Janet is so sensitive to Cher’s comments is because her ancestors were probably the ones handing out the blankets. Seems like something Janet would definately condone.
What a foolish comment! More than likely the traders were Schylocks and ancestors or Babs and Barry Weiss!
Hey Stromboli – I don’t need a lecture from a Troll who lives on Janet Charltons website! Cher gave over $350K to help finish a Medical Hospital for wounded soldiers started by Conservative Talk Radio Don Imus. He talked about it on his show. She donated another couple 100K to help soldiers get proper helmets (Operation Helmets). She donated to Wounded Warrior Project. The list goes on and on. What have you ever done? No need to list lies and I know ZILCH. Pathetic and sad little man you are…
Nor I from one who has drunk plenty of Cher’s gay focused koolaid.
Hopefully her stated donations are real and went to good causes. In most cases…such as J Lo and Oprah…that is not the case.
Janet – Really. You should be ashamed. This is just an ignorant snipe piece. I’ve been reading you for years. No more.
What else can she do Hugh when TMZ beats her to every story and to sell advertising on her site has to run multiple Kardashian and J Lo public relations handouts?
Really Tagg? Please why don’t you pick a better country? And I didn’t use the word deport, you did. Cher’s part of that evil 1%, she can live anywhere. And I wonder if she employed any accountants to swindle the US government out of taxes?
@Tagg: $350K is a drop in the bucket for Cher. Sorry, I’m not impressed. She spends that on a year’s worth of wigs.
Cher’s charitable donation accounted for a whopping .0011475% of her net worth. Wow, you impress easily Tagg.
Here’s my take on what kind of giving is impressive and not impressive:
Impressive: giving 10% of $305, which comes to $30.50
Not Impressive: giving .0011475% of $305,000,000 which comes to $350,000.
Why do we know so much about how much Cher gave to charity? Must be because her publicist leaks the info to the media so fools like Tagg can ooh and aah at how “generous” Cher is! LMAO!
“Georgia Holt claims to have Cherokee in her family”
I’m quite certain Cher’s mother knows her ancestral roots you damn idiot!
@Angelique: I wouldn’t be surprised if she spent double that on her wigs!
To all the Morons on here…I merely pointed out a few of the well known donations that the actual beneficiaries talked about…not Cher. Btw: Only idiots believe the financials posted about celebrities wealth. Cher laughed when she was told how rich she was reported to be. As she accurately stated…Uncle Sam gets 50% just sitting on it’s ass than she has a huge overhead (Actual employee’s – Cher’s a BIZ folks) The $$$ they make goes out the door very quickly. Last point. Cher isn’t under any obligation to donate any of her hard earned $$$. I can guarantee no one on here donates what they…cough, cough…should donate. Especially Janet and the finger pointers. They’re the worst offenders.
Ok, so let’s say generous ol’ cher gave one million dollars to charity. That still amounts to only .00327% of her net worth. Not very impressive.
Why won’t she give it to the poor hobbled Indians that her ancestors stole from?
You have 3 fingers pointing back at you. Not sure what your thumb is doing.
Tagg, you need to learn to communicate.
That’s not fair, I’m bald and can’t afford a wig!
I see the freaks were out bragging about Cher’s generosity. It’s all good as I’m sure the organizations that received money were thankful, but also remember, cash donations to qualified organizations are tax DEDUCTIBLE! She will get to write off her donations. Again, it’s generous, but Cher’s receiving a benefit from her donation. And believe me, those donations are really helpful at tax time.