Shera Danese


There’s more to this Peter Falk story than meets the eye. The 81 year old Columbo star’s daughter Catherine wants power of attorney because she claims he’s impaired by Alzheimer’s and is unable to manage his finances or to “resist fraud.” (Catherine is Falk’s daughter with his first wife.) Meanwhile Falk’s second wife of over thirty years, actress Shera Danese, has been oddly silent. Catherine and her father have had an odd relationship – in fact she sued him in 1992, claiming he didn’t pay her college tuition. (they settled) Falk is much older than his wife Shera and around twenty years ago we heard that she told him that she was bored and tired of staying home and wanted a divorce. He begged her not to leave and HE moved into the guest house until she cooled off. They eventually reconciled. But we sense a huge battle brewing between Catherine and Shera about who should control the money.