Kim Kardashian can’t do anything right lately. She was publicly doused with flour and labeled a “fur hag!” by an animal activist who protests the fact that Kim flaunts fur. Now she says she’s planning to sue the flour tosser (who had nothing to do with PETA) and PETA has stepped up and volunteered to pay for the flour demonstrator’s legal defense. It’s all the stranger because PETA foolishly paid Khloe Kardashian to strip for one of their “Fur? I’d rather go naked” billboards and the event was prominently featured on “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” in 2008. Despite that, the Kardashians started peddling fur in their DASH boutiques and ignored PETA requests to stop. Obviously, PETA should give more thought to the spokespeople they choose to hire for their billboards.