

The Met Gala is Monday, May 6 and we just heard this EXCLUSIVE tidbit. We previously reported Kim Kardashian was wearing Balenciaga to the event which makes sense since she IS the brand’s ambassador. Well Kim pulled a fast one and decided she wanted to go in a different direction so she scrapped her original outfit and is now wearing something else and not Balenciaga. Remember where you read this, as it should send waves through the fashion world since since Kim and Balenciaga are in business together and everyone expects her to wear the label on fashion’s biggest night.

President Joe Biden made news this week when he revealed he would be willing to debate Donald Trump in their race for the White House. Here’s what we just heard. This presidential debate might be unlike any other in the our nation’s history as the plan is for Biden and Trump to each choose one moderator to ask the questions with NOTHING off-limits. While countless details still need to be worked out, including the date and location, expect a debate unlike any other. My source says Trump has yet to agree to this arrangement since he’s terrified of answering questions from the seemingly liberal moderator the Biden campaign will likely select.

Justin Bieber made headlines after posting selfies of him crying and then he was spotted hanging out in Kauai, Hawaii. Here’s what we know. Justin is blaming a lot of his emotional issues on the pressures and temptations of living in Los Angeles, so he and his wife Hailey Bieber flew to Hawaii to look at homes. They’re planning to unload their sprawling Beverly Park estate, put down roots in Hawaii, and then buy a pied a terre in Los Angeles when they need to be in town for work. They love the island of Kauai, but also are looking at Maui and the Big Island.

Britney Spears made headlines as well- for numerous reasons including fears about her financial situation, settling her lawsuit with her father, and finalizing her divorce from ex-husband Sam Asghari. We know this… Britney’s mom Lynne is more involved behind the scenes than she’s letting on, and while she’s not micromanaging Britney or her finances, she is monitoring the situation and has safety nets in place just in case Britney spirals out of control. My source says that this time around if the consensus is that Britney needs a conservatorship it will be Lynne who is in charge.

And finally this. Travis Kelce inked a two-year deal with his team the Kansas City Chiefs making him the HIGHEST paid tight end in the NFL. While his $34.25 million contract is already public knowledge, here’s something we know that hasn’t been publicized. The deal also includes a secret bonus of $100,000 per regular season game, $250,000 for playoff games and a whopping $500,000 for the Super Bowl if his girlfriend (and likely soon-to-be fiance) Taylor Swift attends. My source say that Taylor’s presence at games brings in MILLIONS in additional revenue so that’s why Travis is getting the bonuses when she attends.

Photo: Instagram


If she could turn back time, Cher might have taken a stricter approach raising her allegedly troubled 47 year old son Elijah Blue. But that’s not an option, so she’s doing the next best thing – rewriting her will! Cher was unsuccessful in her recent court battle to be named Elijah’s conservator, so now she’s making sure any money he might inherit from her estate won’t go directly to him. Although Elijah’s dad, Gregg Allman, left him a trust when he passed away in 2017, it’s a pittance compared to Cher’s net worth. Given his struggles with sobriety, Cher is deciding what -if anything- to leave her son. One thing is for certain, even if she decides to keep him in her will, Elijah will never have direct access to one cent of her money!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Cher and Alexander “AE” Edwards arrive at pre-Grammy party


The new documentary Framing Britney Spears has opened up a whole new discussion about her conservatorship. Britneys father Jamie, while acting as her conservator, controlled every inch of her life – he managed her career, finances, personal life and purchases. At 39, she had to ask his permission to buy an expensive pair of shoes. After earning ALL that money! It all boils down to THE BOYFRIEND – Jamie is very wary of her smoothly handsome boyfriend Sam Asghari, 27. Iranian born Sam is VERY ambitious and advertises his good looks and physical talents lavishly on social media. Compare his posts with Britney’s and you see his level of sophistication. Knowing Britney’s vulnerability when it comes to men (she invited a photographer in to live with her a few years ago, and HE ran her life and was accused of giving her drugs) her father is highly suspicious of Sam’s motives. It’s clear that Jamie doesn’t want Sam running Britney’s life and Sam is not happy. Sam says about Jamie: “I have no respect for anyone trying to control our relationship and constantly throwing obstacles in our way!” Is Jamie not allowing Britney to MARRY Sam? Does he have good reasons? Remains to be seen…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


For years we’ve been hearing about Britney Spears’struggle to remove her father as the person in control of her court conservatorship. She has even announced that she refuses to work as long as her father is in charge of her life and career – and she hasn’t. Jamie Spears had always seemed like an okay guy until a former business partner described a confrontation. New York restauranteur Bobby Ochs partnered with Britney to open a restaurant called Nyla at the Dylan Hotel in 2002. A few days before the grand opening, Jamie barged into Ochs office with a man and woman and he appeared to be high or hungover – “bouncing off the walls!” Jamie was yelling in front of managers and chefs that the man and woman with him would be hired as managers for Britney’s restaurant. He also wanted the chefs replaced and a new menu! He declared “Nobody is going to ruin my little girl’s place!” It turned out Jamie had met the couple the night before in a random NY bar he’d been drinking in. Ochs explained to Jamie that this could not happen and he became unhinged – screaming in his face, nearly getting physical. Ochs managed to calm him down and Jamie later apologized, but Ochs said he’s not surprised Britney doesn’t want him running her life, “I can’t imagine him running anything!” Maybe Britney’s been right all along.

Photo: Instagram


Being Amanda Bynes’ mother and conservator must be one of the toughest jobs in the world. The former child star’s mother Lynn has been wrestling with Amanda’s mental problems for years. It seems that every time Amanda seems to be making progress (like graduating in June from FIDM) she relapses. Certainly her mom is terrified every time Amanda drives (remember the DUIs?) On Valentines Day Amanda announced that she is engaged to Paul Michael, a guy she met at her sober living facility. Lynn intervened, the engagement was called off, and today Paul announced that they are back together and Amanda is pregnant! Chaos! NOW what’s a mother to do? The intrusive internet is not helping Amanda’s problems- she reads everything. Last we heard Amanda is back in a mental health treatment center. Lynn is doing her best…


These demonstrators made quite a scene outside the courtroom dealing with Britney Spears’ conservatorship hearing and it made us wonder: who is behind this? SOMEONE is motivated to organize these people (fans?) with their signs. The #FreeBritney movement has flourished, even though Britney has never complained about the conservatorship, and her life seems back on track. (The LA Times spent three months investigating her conservatorship, and could find NO evidence that she was being harmed.) The only person we know of who would love to see Britney free to choose her own associates is Sam Lufti, who probably still has a restraining order keeping him away. HE inserted himself into her life during Britney’s head-shaving meltdown days, and her family banned him from contacting her. So it may NOT be “concerned fans” behind this movement.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Here’s what’s happening with Zsa Zsa Gabor’s husband “Prince” Frederic Von Anhalt and her daughter Francesca. Francesca has started the process of having a court decide what is best for her mother in terms of financial and medical affairs. She hopes the judge will appoint a third party neutral conservator to manage her mother’s interests. She’s concerned that her mother isn’t receiving needed medical care because she is only allowed to visit infrequently and found her mother appeared to be heavily medicated. When Frederic married Zsa Zsa, the prenup specified the house was ALL hers. Yet he has taken out a $700,000 loan on the house and the document was supposedly co“signed” by unresponsive Zsa Zsa. Hmmm. What’s more, the house is in foreclosure because the Prince hasn’t been paying the mortgage. Where did the money go? (Von Anhalt announced he was running for Mayor last year) Francesca is looking forward to a thorough investigation of Frederic’s financial activities and her mother’s health care. It’s about time!


Every dark cloud has a silver lining. There’s an upside to the conservatorship that Britney Spears has been enduring for over a year. Her father is still in charge of her life and for that reason she was excused from the sometimes dreaded jury duty. It’s extremely difficult to get out of jury duty in California for any reason, but Britney won’t have to report to the courtroom until she no longer has a court appointed conservator.