The new documentary Framing Britney Spears has opened up a whole new discussion about her conservatorship. Britneys father Jamie, while acting as her conservator, controlled every inch of her life – he managed her career, finances, personal life and purchases. At 39, she had to ask his permission to buy an expensive pair of shoes. After earning ALL that money! It all boils down to THE BOYFRIEND – Jamie is very wary of her smoothly handsome boyfriend Sam Asghari, 27. Iranian born Sam is VERY ambitious and advertises his good looks and physical talents lavishly on social media. Compare his posts with Britney’s and you see his level of sophistication. Knowing Britney’s vulnerability when it comes to men (she invited a photographer in to live with her a few years ago, and HE ran her life and was accused of giving her drugs) her father is highly suspicious of Sam’s motives. It’s clear that Jamie doesn’t want Sam running Britney’s life and Sam is not happy. Sam says about Jamie: “I have no respect for anyone trying to control our relationship and constantly throwing obstacles in our way!” Is Jamie not allowing Britney to MARRY Sam? Does he have good reasons? Remains to be seen…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. The courts don’t give Conservatorship without very good reason, as it is taking away their freedoms, so Brittany must need one.

    Anyone that gets in the way of a daughter/father relationship is suspicious. If you love someone, you actively support their relationship with their family. Glad her father is watching closely.

  2. She does not have to get married…He seems to be in a very big hurry. Spears will be in big trouble once her father passes away. She will end up giving all her money to another gold digger…

  3. I wonder how daddy feels about his precious sleeping with an Iranian spy.

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