For years we’ve been hearing about Britney Spears’struggle to remove her father as the person in control of her court conservatorship. She has even announced that she refuses to work as long as her father is in charge of her life and career – and she hasn’t. Jamie Spears had always seemed like an okay guy until a former business partner described a confrontation. New York restauranteur Bobby Ochs partnered with Britney to open a restaurant called Nyla at the Dylan Hotel in 2002. A few days before the grand opening, Jamie barged into Ochs office with a man and woman and he appeared to be high or hungover – “bouncing off the walls!” Jamie was yelling in front of managers and chefs that the man and woman with him would be hired as managers for Britney’s restaurant. He also wanted the chefs replaced and a new menu! He declared “Nobody is going to ruin my little girl’s place!” It turned out Jamie had met the couple the night before in a random NY bar he’d been drinking in. Ochs explained to Jamie that this could not happen and he became unhinged – screaming in his face, nearly getting physical. Ochs managed to calm him down and Jamie later apologized, but Ochs said he’s not surprised Britney doesn’t want him running her life, “I can’t imagine him running anything!” Maybe Britney’s been right all along.

Photo: Instagram

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  1. So, Ochs has affidavits of witnesses and will testify under oath, Janet? And did he come to Britney’s defense during her court proceedings? If not why not. Easy to write things without evidence, like trump claiming fraud except in court where they have to put up or shut up or lie and go to jail. so which is it?

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