Bill Maher is getting a star on the Walk of Fame but he says he will never get an Emmy for “Real Time With Bill Maher” because he’s an outspoken atheist and made the documentary “Religulous.” He’s convinced the panel of Emmy voters will include a few religious types who won’t want to see him win. He may be right, but “Religulous,” his documentary which poked fun equally at all religions, actually did well at the boxoffice, so everybody doesn’t disagree with him. But the fact is, many agnostics or atheists keep their views in the closet because they figure they will be judged negatively. That means many of Maher’s viewers agree with him but don’t admit it. Perhaps someday Bill Maher will be considered a progressive hero for being a self-proclaimed atheist early on.
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Know for a fact neither one of Maher’s parents were atheists. When he was born, both got a look at that face and exclaimed “Jesus Christ!”
I’d like to talk to him when he’s on his deathbed. I’ve known two over the top athiests who opened up to a higher power in their dying days.
(even in the united states)
Jack P, if they were over-the-top, then they were not true atheists. I mean, what does an over-the-top atheist do? Emphatically NOT pray?
There is a difference between a lack of belief in a God and a disbelief in one.
JACK P, mind ur own business. Go to ur imaginary friend on the cloud no. 9, get down on ur knees and enjoy the session of truly divine oral sex. Isnt this world doing pretty lousy for a world supervised by a “god”? But hey, why think? Let priests, popes, reverends, imams and rabbis think for u, u just be a faithful sheeple. Ur reward will be great. Ull have to choose between 70 virgins and praise “god” all day long…
If you’re an atheist then what do you say when your car is about to be cremed by a tanker truck? Oh my…. Nothing?
And Bill, your “comedy” sucks, that’s why you didn’t win. Maybe you should have made fun of Islam.
I laugh at Bill Maher because he does condemn the Bible but won’t condemn the Quran. Gutless bastard go all the way.
Lenny, Maher may be more critical of Judaism/Christianity because that is the tradition from which he comes. He practices what seems have become an outdated principle – that, as a person with intellectual integrity, you try to understand the other, and legitimately criticize your own kind (ethnic group, religious group, etc.). If we all did this, the world would be a much better place.
Actor, an atheist would probably say “Holy S**t!”, but that does not mean that he is going back on his beliefs.
Bill Maher is funny and intelligent and while I don’t agree with all his views, he make me think. I hope his show wins an Emmy because it’s good!
LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Maher!! His movie was brillient, entertaining and highly highlarious while making one think. I could have sat thru seversal showings of it. I love when he comes on Leno, and he never fails to be spot on (and right)! I agree with some of the comments above, the supporters of Maher and I agree that he is sharp in his observations and lives it, (as I do and have been attacked by the Bible thumpers on this site for speaking up). Sick of them shoving their trite rules down every else’s throats, crap from 2 thousand years ago written by MEN and they still swallow it up and believe it is “God’s WORD”!!!
Hey you, Reta- above, are a funny character. I read your posts. A “female “misogynist. You type many worlds dogging female celebs cursing them out all sorts of bad names.
Butt kissing time for Bill Maher who, from what I know of him, would not give you a second glance unless you are an under 30 year old black woman.
Bill is just another celeb hyporcite getting paid. Bet he gets down on his knees to thank his god before enjoying his cocoa honey for the night.
I think Maher is about 10% as funny as he thinks he is. If I could get paid for being a smart ass I would be a billionaire. I guess I just need to find the sacred cow to poke fun at like he has done. I also would need to have what looks like a 12 inch un-circumcised dick for a nose and maybe people would look at that and not realize that I was actually a douchebag.
If there is a heaven and a hell, (and there is), would it not be prudent to at least think about: WHERE YOU DESIRE TO SPEND ETERNITY. Personally, I don’t want to have to stare at Maher’s huge nose 4-ever in H***.
Reta, you stated you have been attacked for your opinion. If I ever called you a name, I apologize, because you are entitled to your beliefs. I, however, fully expect to be criticized and called names because I have been attacked far more than you, as we shall see in the following comments……..
No attack from me Indy, because I think you’re right. The world would be a better place if Bill Maher attacked Islam the same way. Condemn them for the way they treat women and there crazy laws that kill kids and anything that doesn’t agree with them.
Indy, I don’t think I’ve ever attacked you, not specifically anyway, perhaps your pushing of your beliefs off on the readers here, where the post will be about something else entirely often you will hijack it and bring religion into it where it has nothing whatsoever to DO with THAT. But that’s you, and I’m getting used to it.
Mel; There is nothing misogynistic about me and you’re a total moron if you think you can twist my words into that. I AM a woman and fully support other women. You have to be able to actually UNDERSTAND the WORDS you read Mel, and then, just maybe, you might understand me, I’m really not all that complicated. Ask Sebastian and Hillary, both seem to understand what I say fairly well and have never said I was misogynistic. I’m SURE they would have drummed me out of the corps if they had thought otherwise. If I don’t like a particular “celeb” female, such as in my disdain for Jolie, it hasn’t a THING to do with what rides between her legs, or her bra size, but her historical behavior, which I have listed in the past on this site. If you don’t know her history, feel free to look it up. I would dislike the same person were she male OR female, what I hate is DUMB, stupid, disgusting crap (like she has done in the past) as well as pedaphiles (Woody Allen, Roman Polanski).
As for Bill Maher not being attracted to me, GREAT! I’m not attracted to HIM either, so we’re even! But I DO love a great mind, whatever package it rides in! Einstein is another good example of this. NOT a pretty picture, but I’m not superfial about looks, it’s the mind and personality that turns me on, my brain as well as my sexuality. If you can’t understand that, I feel really really bad for your existance. Race is another thing I have in common with Bill, neither of us cares what race someone we’re with is. What IS important, like I just said, is what comes inside the person, their heart, mind, personality, NOT the soul, because I don’t believe there IS one, and NEITHER does Bill Maher. And I’ll betcha anything he wouldn’t waste a second “praying to his God” before getting it on with his black girlfriend. From what I know of him, he’d get to business and not waste precious time on nonsence and “talking to the great man in the sky”…hahahahahahahahahahaha…ge Bill! And Mel, go see a shrink!
Rita, I agree about me and maybe others getting off the subject onto ‘religion’, but you must admit THIS article about Maher is about that, so thus there may or may not be a few comments. BTW, I super agree with you about Angelina. She is one nutty female, frenchkissing her brother, wearing BillyBob’s blood, buying kids, serious drug past, S & M sexual escapades, yada yada. It’s all spelled out in Andrew Morton’s book about her and it’s all true.
Reta, I find you quite a reasonable person, and someone who does not approve of intolerence, so I am surprised by your fondness for Maher. From what I have seen he can be quite a jerk and is a typical post-feminist misogynist. He is one of the few more liberal media people I would call uncivil (in the same way as Glen Beck and Ann Coulter). He seems to have a sense of entitlement that should not be worn by any white male under 70.
However, most of you commenting RE this post probably have more exposure to Maher than I, so, maybe he has presented himself in a different light of late.
Sebastian, thank you for seeing me for who I am, I too think you to be a pretty smart cookie and usually have the most interesting insight or points to make, or make deeper ones thast most of the surface dribble read here. You DO have a working mind, and like I just said on another subject, THAT is the sexiest thing, not “musclebound” guys.
AS for Maher, I have watched him every time he guests on any talk show I can find him on (in nighttime, allergic to morning), and don’t get HBO, but used to faithfully watch him when he had his network show which was killer. He’s not afraid to speak his mind and I nearly always agree with him. NEARLY. I don’t fret or slice my wrists if I don’t agree with him because I appreciate his mind and timing, quality, and amount of subject matter he is versed in, with quick retorts that are dead on. His movie was so brilliant I wish I could memorize it so I could recall lines at will but, hey, can’t even memorize my won work, so what the hell!?
Bill was just on Leno again the other night and the two of them really get into great conversations, always crack each other, and the audience up, and he got a whole lot of applause, deservedly so. He’s always prepared, no matter what subject Jay asks him his opinion on, he has intelligent (but funny and sharply pointed) seemingly on the spot “jokes” or comebacks. A true sign of great mind that can think on his feet like that and not be taken down by the others who try to hack his legs out from underneath him. It simply can’t be done.
And I don’t GIVE a shit if his nose is big, or he’s short, or has very thing wierd hair, I don’t want to screw him, altho I probably would if given the chance and would talk him to death the whole time, esp during orgasm, of course listening more than half the time because that. of course would be the whole idea, right?! So, close my eyes and pretend he’s pretty, or just rub that cranium and go into delirium. By the way, Bill Clinton was a turn on for the same reason. Smart as shit, and I didn’t CARE how many blow jobs he got under his desk by fat girls in ugly blue dresses.
AS for Beck and Coulter, they aren’t even the same species as Maher, incase you haven’t noticed. I can’t STAND them, but LOVE him. I’d pay good money to see HIM live, wouldn’t walk across the street to see either of THEM for free or charity! (OR if you tied my hands behind my back and dragged me across)!
Are you tweeking or simply bored? Spazzy attention whore, like the very women you bash. Go write a damn blog if you want to make friends or be accepted; otherwise I call ’em as I see ’em.
Fuck off “Mel” you’re just as crazy as that other Mel (Gibson)…or maybe you ARE him, wouldn’t be surprised, but don’t really give a shit!
{Are you tweeking or simply bored? Spazzy attention whore, like the very women you bash. Go write a damn blog if you want to make friends or be accepted; otherwise I call ‘em as I see ‘em.}
i couldn’t have said this better myself. shit, you’re writing this fucking much on a GOSSIP site.
janet, it’s high time we get moderation on this site. shit.
I also find Bill Maher intelligent and funny and almost never miss an episode of Real Time because he generally has equally intelligent guests who discuss issues and make you think. He is upfront about his atheism and has been critical of Islam especially the extremists. If he doesnt’ get an Emmy, it will likely be because of his politics or his frank admission that he very much enjoys smoking weed.
I’ve been in a foxhole twice (near-fatal car accident, two months later followed by the 1994 L.A. earthquake); I exclaimed: “Oh Shit, oh shit, oh shit” and “Maaaaaaaaaa!”
I love Bill Maher and I floved the late, great Athiest, George Carlin.
People are frightened sheep.
What proof do you have that there is no God? I find it amusing that atheists are so certain when there is no proof either way so basically they are as deluded as the uber religious types. You can’t prove there is a god and you can’t prove there isn’t so it makes sense to keep an open mind.
I like him as an actor and really think he is funny and he can do anything he wants with his life and what ever gives him joy and makes his day is okay with me.
What ever moves him and makes him happy and gives him joy is fine in my book and more power to you and what ever makes your boat float.