Is Gene Simmons trying to out-do the Kardashians in the fame-whore department? We can imagine how the self promoting rocker is envious or perhaps inspired by the Kardashian steamroller of financial success. THAT explains his sudden desire to get married on TV after a lifetime of being adamantly against the institution. Ratings competition changes everything. At the beginning of this season of “Family Jewels” Gene wanted us to believe he and Shannon Tweed were splitting up. Next he proposed on camera and set a wedding date – October 1 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Are we running out of ideas? (Above, son Nick, 22, Gene, Shannon, and daughter Sophie, 19)
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thanks kids! 🙂
Noblecascade, I totally agree with your comment, “thanks georgie, some of us appreciate your inside view comments.”
Is it possible Gene is one of those reptile aliens?
thanks georgie, some of us appreciate your inside view comments.
It’s amazing that his tongue has not completely rotted off by now.
Poor poor Nicky!
Strom, you missed a brazen opportunity. Slipping? Or do you secretly covet bagels and cream cheese and occasionally smoked salmon?
You see that’s the thing with bigots…They’re liars!
They will eat, drink, buy goods from, boogie to, watch movies or TV of, read stuff written by, consult with, and reap the benefits healthwise (medical breakthroughs), though still insist they could live w/out the rest of us. You like us, you really really like us. RME.
It’s ok…it’s not about the posters!
Maybe JC could give us an update on BLACK Morgan Freeman…will he spend Labor day with his fiance / step-granddaughter or the white girl he has on the low down?
Maybe they would make a nice co-host duo for Jerry Lewis telethon!
georgie …..I’m basically too lazy.”
it sounds like it
The last time Gene Simmons was relevant was when he was on Celebrity Apprentice, and that was a long time ago, and he got fired.
Nicky, you must have a bad inferiority complex. I grew up in, and still live in a very nice area, where there has always been a lot of filming done, and over the past 15 years, had a lot of celebs move in and some ritzy neighborhoods built. It used to be a small ranch like area, now its very trendy. I’m not going to discuss my financial sitch on a blog, thanks, but having the dubious honor of having grown up around many celebs over my life (my parents hung out with celebs) & having a job for several years at a place where celebs frequented everyday, I thought I’d share a few fun tidbits with the eccentric lovable group here. My family tells me I should write a book, and I’ve thought about it, but I’m basically too lazy.
Look at Gene. Look at him. A picture like that is worth a thousand turds. Gene is a major choad. Kiss blows dead dogs.
That’s all.
i think kitty is georgie
“I have known numerous A+ list movie, tv, rock & sports stars in my lifetime, some of them legends.
how do you known anybody. you would have to be rich if you lived in their neighborhods. why would you be on this website if you had any money
I totally agree, georgie. The old guard would have never acted like these no talent creeps.
We have the misfortune of living near this creeptastic famewhore family, and run into them rather often. I put them in the same category as the Kartrashians, arrogant, sense of entitlement, completey rude and conceited. It is really astonishing how horrible people these reality show people act in real life. I have known numerous A+ list movie, tv, rock & sports stars in my lifetime, some of them legends, who were always nice, polite, decent people, always willing to wait their turns, didn’t expect special treatment, and tried to pass under the radar; so to speak, unlike this new species of celebfreaks who have to be the center of attention wherever they are, even the bloody grocery store, where I often see them. They really are famewhores. I’ve had A listers hold doors open for me, help me out when I’ve been burdened down with two many pkgs and little kids, had them stop on the side of the road when I’ve had car trouble, given gifts for me, my husband or our kids, just all around nice. These new reality show freaks…horrible. They push past you in line, knock down you or your kids, almost kill you with their loud obnoxious cars. I could go on and on. Horrible people. Bring back old Hollywood, where the celebs at least had real talent and were actually worth looking at. Please!
Walt Cliff ---- Hire me so I can buy generic bologna to grill :)
Hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!!!
I am sure I have already told this before but one of the things that was secretly popular in my neck of the woods (deep south) was drunk beating.
Drunk beating was when the woman’s SOB WAS A SOT. LOL!!
If he was a blackout drunk (which they usually were with moonshine)& abusive, the woman would get a friend together after he had passed out and sew the husband up very quickly in an old sheet and the beat the shit out of him.
In the morning, the sheet would be gone, the wife would look innocent and the husband would think he had gotten into a fight.
In many cases, the husband would blame whatever friend he was drinking with the night before. LOL!!!
I’ve never been a fan of KISS and I’ve always regarded Gene as being totally gross and repulsive with his disgusting tongue and the way he acted. He’s also stated many times he never wanted to get married so that he won’t be “cheating” or feel guilty about screwing every female he ran into.
Walt Cliff
I don’t ever recall a single photo of Simmons where he had decent hair. It’s always been a crazy fuzz ball…..not curly but just fuzzy.
I agree about the dark black hair dye. It makes him look harsh and stark. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt Tweeed to tone down the too light locks and maybe trim about three inches off.
Simmons and Paul Stanley have been friends (like brothers they both have said), co-founders of KISS and business partners for years. Both have massive egos (which one would expect) and yet, they have managed to get along fairly good for many decades. I can only suspect that it is because neither of them drank or did drugs (Lord knows the other members sure did!). I think their drugs were the music, the women and frequent ego polishing (patting each other on the back).
Just that black-on-black died hair is soooo awful.
Shannon Tweed has got Gene Simmons so pussy-whipped it not even funny! He tries to come off as such a macho man, and in walks Shannon, she cracks the whip and Gene jumps. It is kind of embarrassing for him but it is entertaining as well.
Gene has always been an expert at exploiting the lowest commom denominator. Oh well I guess we can’t always be watching Frontline or Nova.
No offense to rock show fans intended.
Gene and many celebs are finally regretting their Obama Votes Swept up by the Media Hype.
Walt Cliff
In the 70’s no body put on the kind of show that KISS did. It was an amazing experience. We use to have the time of our lives at those concerts. They were larger than life and you more than got your moneys worth. I loved the originals (with Ace Frehley and Peter Criss.
Because of the those wonderful concerts, I remain fond of the arrogant Simmons. Although he and Tweed aren’t married, I am glad to see they are still together. Tweed has aged well & is still very pretty. They seem to have been blessede with attractive, sweet & good natured kids.
Wonder if she will have to sign a prenup of some kind or update an old one ???
If he’s running out of ideas then it’s time to pull the plug. How many more staged reality shows does the public have to suffer? Although, the kids are well mannered.
forrest gump
let me tell you this: WHORES AREN’T ONLY WOMEN!!!!!!!!!
He is so repulsive.