Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s relationship with his parents has been somewhat murky, considering that Jane Pitt has remained very friendly with Brad’s ex Jennifer Aniston. But it appears the senior Pitts have grown accustomed to Angelina and her brood, and they’re delighted with their grandchildren. (They’re hoping Brad and Angelina will wed.) This is the first photo we’ve seen of them all looking happy together (from the Benjamin Button premier in Hollywood) Compare to a similar photo with Brand and Jen from 2001.
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7 years later and Jen is the only one who looks the same…..can really see Brad aging along with his parents.
I am so sick of Jen A. She is really quite immature. Everything she says is somewhat sophomoric.
Oh, please – get over this. They’ve been divorced for years. We all know Brad cheated.
Ang will charm them like she charms everyone. She has just got that certain something (called bull sh*t). Still, I think they would prefer if their darling little boy would have married Jen and had kids after they wed. Life is seldom the way you want it.
Jen is still not over it – remember she hopped on Ang’s statement about meeting Brad on the movie set and falling in love. Jen called her un-cool, which proves she is still seeeething.
his parents need to realizes who controls the purse. I think Brad does! BTW we hate Reta too!
Oh, please, what is the big deal with Jane Pitt still being friends with Jennifer Aniston, she was a part of the family for seven years? It appears Jane Pitt is mature enough to have a relationship with both women without causing problems for anyone. Besides, after making her ‘uncool’ comment, Jennifer Aniston certainly went on the damage control route, sounds like she has something to hide.
Is that a genuine smile on Angelina’s face?
Wow, you never see that.
Apparently Angie’s acting is so much more convincing when she isn’t filming a movie.
whi is reta and why do you hate her?
ANGIE SUCKS, so maybe they like FAKERS more than humans?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH, whathehell!!
Scrangelina is smiling in that photo because she’s high as a kite. Body language tells all. See Brad looking away from this mess. See Dad trying unconvincingly to look like he’s fond of Scrangie. Mom gamely smiles because she genuinely loves her son. Scrangie is baring her frightening teeth at Mom.
One thing’s for sure Angie dresses Brad better than Jen did, he stands out like a sore thumb in the second picture but looks so handsome in the first.
Physically, Brad looked WAY better in 2001 as a blonde! As for The Chin, she’s hopelessly plain as a mall rat and always will be, no matter how much she bleaches, shaves, diets and has operated. Thank God he dropped her for a REAL woman.
That Angie has some mental issues – her dad was right. A recent picture showed her back in open dress – SCARY! She’s not shapely, she’s a freakin’ stick. And she makes decision for 6 kids? Heaven help them…
I laugh at these two – they are so fake.
Two things:
#1 I KNOW Jenn hates both Ang and Brad, (especially Ang of course). She hopes something happens….like a plane. Never in all the history of HWood divorces have I seen a woman still so bitter. It just comes thru on talk shows and you can see it in her eyes;. such as she was just on Oprah & publicly wished Brad the best. Many thinks she has moved on, she is trying, but has not.
# 2 Ang is nutty as a fruitcake, flying all over the world..4 countries in 3 months. Going up and down in planes can cause health problems of many kinds….Brad and Ang are mega-rich idiots.
The bigger they are (And they are the biggest) the harder they’ll fall. Jenn’s waiting on the sidelines like a spider.
Brad is such an ass. I’m done with him since I saw him act like a JA
And so it goes @4:54 p.m. — You must live in a teeny, tiny world to think someone is nuts because they fly “all over the world…4 countries in 3 months”. It’s called being “worldly” and understanding the big picture outside of your own tiny existence. I won’t go into how ridiculous your first comment is.
Waa waa waa, mommy, we’re tired of packing and flying all the time. At first it was fun and we saw lots of things. But now we want to stay in just one mansion. We’re tired of our ears popping when we take off and land.
Maddox, Zahara, Pax, Shiloh, Knox, Vivienne.
I think Brad’s Mother should stop this ‘thing’ with’s foolish to keep up a relationship with this woman who’s not part of her sons life anymore. What is the point of this!