We cannot resist a great set of before and after pictures! In the last three years since she hit it big, singer Amy Winehouse has given herself a massive makeover, according to these photos from UK’s Daily Mail. In the beginning she resembled and Italian Anna Magnani retro gal and it was a cool original look. Apparently she took a lot of flak for being voluptuous, and started going to the gym with a vengeance. Add a few tattoos, piercings and most recently that fabulous beehive, and you’ve got a whole new and equally unique looking singer. We’ll take her either way – and we love the Ronnie Spector eye makeup.
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Janet, she looks like she has an eating disorder!
“They wanted me to go to rehab I said no no no” …her song is the bomb but ….
tweaking much? – heck yeh!
She looks like your average drugged San Francisco freak wonder what her drug cocktails are, crack and meth?
She was not voluptuous before, she was NORMAL. Why aren’t male actors and singers starving and/or drugging themselves until they look like end stage cancer patients?
Exactly! Anna Nicole was vuluptuous. This girl had a way normal body and if you think this anorexic looking crap is acceptable someone needs the slap that green tint from you hair.
She looks anorexic…I can’t believe you don’t see that.
she looks like she likes her drugs, i think its really sad how she looks!! her legs DO NOT LOOK OKAY! they look withered. she looks altogether withered.
She looks so nasty now… just like a drugged out $2 whore.
I agree with everybody else. Janet, you are way out of line saying she looks better as an anorexic. My goodness!
You should be ashamed of yourself…she looks no different than richie did and everyone was screaming feed her a burger….this girl looks like an ad for a halfway house, there is nothing intersting or “equally unique”..she has an eating disorder or a serious drug problem. What exactly are promoting here?
I agree with every comment on the previous posts, this girl’s after photo looks like she is anorexic or on some very nasty drugs or both. What were you thinking to say she looks good have you lost your mind?
She’s an addict. From what I understand she is a real mess personally. If she was not recording and making money as a singer she would be prostituting to support her habit. She didn’t lose weight because she went on a diet! She needs help. I read that her previous management quit because she wouldn’t go into rehab. I feel sorry for her.
Janet, by you making such a statement makes me confused as to why i even read a sight like this….tsk tsk tsk…what do you have to say for yourself…
She looks terrible.
That looks like some creature escaping a concentration camp.
POST @ 5:18PM…
Girl learn how to spell.. It’s SITE not SIGHT!
Don’t trash talk Janet, you flea infested dog!
Of course PEREZ HILTON just loves this piece of gutter trash.
She reminds me of a crack 80’s addict trying to sell a vcr in Nyc Spanish Harlem
Shes no Karen Carpenter.She should could stand to lose another 10 pounds the heffa
janet didnt say that she looks better. she used the word UNIQUE, which could be either a compliment or a slam.
excuse my ignorance, 6:51…you are another reason why i question this SITE….why do you feel the need to call names…have we met before? if your biggest issue is that a word is miispelleeddd, you have bigger problems. There is no “trash talking” janet…this is a serious issue and her promoting this pix (that’s picture) tells all of the young girls out there that it is okay to look this way…shame on you, too!
zee, you are right, she didn’t say she looked better, but she did state that she would take her either way….therefore, she is saying it’s okay to look like an anorexic cracker…or at least that is how I read it..
This is not even the same girl. The tattoo is missing on her right arm in the “skinny” pic.
Are you KIDDING ME? The pic on the left is scary. She looks like she needs to be hospitalized STAT. What a beautiful woman she was BEFORE. Now? Just sad. Sad and lost and starving.
I agree with all the previous comments. This person is a mess in every sense of the word.
I don’t think she’ll be around in a few years.
Once an addict- always an addict.
Her aura by the way looks terrible.
The girl needs to get it together.
Being self destructive and getting fame & $$ because of it NEVER lasts.
I don’t listen to the radio anymore – so I don’t know how her musics sounds, but she looks nasty!
It sounds like you approve of this ‘after’ shot. I know you didn’t say so in the post, but all other posts you come out and say it if someone looks worse, therefore implying she looks better. She looks like she’s on crack! It’s a digusting look that unfortunately too many girls in this country aspire to. Thanks Janet, for feeding the eating disorder, drug addicted beast that dwells in so many females.
I have completely lost respect for you.
I listen to all kind of music streching write back, but Back to Black is easily the best album I have ever heard.
I saw Amy feb 25th, front row. she looked stunning.So much Charisma & presence. But it ain’t even about the looks man. Its about the music. This is the biggest talent I have seen in many many years.
Janet, you’re a pathetic sychophant. To see Amy Winehouse looking emaciated is heartbreaking. She is such a beautiful and talented girl. I hope she can find the inner strength to continue to be who she really is and get her body healthy. You are a typical Hollywood bloodsucker. How about trying to save some lives rather than contribute to their demise.
Thin is in! She looks way better on the left side…and I agree that she could stand to drop a few more pounds. All you fat people believe that “misery loves company.” Go eat another case of twinkies and blame your heart disease on genetics.
Is Perez likes her, than I hate her. He is a fat, disgusting sycophant who only DREAMS of being thin!
No, she did not hit the gym. She’d be looking healthy, with toned muscles. She’s obviously starving herself. For you to glorify it is pathetic.
she looks like the grim reaper. jesus..she is on deaths door
Have a f*cking cheeseburger, and step AWAY from the meth.
She looks just plain scary and sad…..what a pathetic world we live in when her normal “before” picture is called “voluptuous” and her concentration camp “after” look is praised. Very, very sad.
This is not an improvement. She looks like an anorexic skank down from a curvy babe. Sad she opted her original look for run of the mill slag.
I banged this truck stop whore two days ago for $20 bucks. This hoe is missing a tooth… among other things.
Yeah, right, Janet. She did achieve that look by hitting the gym. That is, if your idea of ‘the gym’ is a CRACKPIPE. Dammit, Janet- you’re a slut!
Rock on, Janet…don’t let all these chubby chasers get ya down! I bet their keyboards are all covered in chocolate and pretzel crumbs.
She is anorexic now. Come on, she’s all bones and doesn’t look happy. She looks horrible on the left and healthy on the right, although she should get a little more toned in the legs before she should wear a short dress like that!
I hope and pray that in a few months I get to piss on her grave
She’s obviously into drugs and is a bag of bones..she’s disgusting before and after..
She looks ill.. very ill and sad, very sad and ugly..
If you think looking like a herion addict is better than looking like a real person than bang it up your veins janet.
are you a crackhead too? look at her? are you f’ing serious?
are you trying to get an interview with her or something? SHE DOES NOT LOOK GOOD NOW (didn’t really look too good before, either, but at least she looked among the living).
Amy’s music is completely unique and she is musically gifted, especially for one so young. These images of her speak loudly to the fact that all is not right with her life. There is absolutely no way that her after photo could be the typical result of “going to the gym with a vengeance”. She needs help and should say YES, YES, YES to rehab before we lose another talented artist to the darker side of substance abuse.
”started going to the gym with a vengeance.”
I don’t think so. I think she started something else with a vengeance.
What is the matter with you? Clearly this woman is ill and on a death march.
Not the same person. Look at the tattoos.
Look closer, the pic on the right “before” is REVERSED the writing is backwards on the sign behind her. That would make the tat on her left arm, which you can’t see in the “after” picture.
I agree that she looks like a drug addict. Very sad indeed.