Jennifer Lopez, 47, and former baseball player Alex Rodriguez, 41, seem to be genuinely amused by the attention their relationship has been getting! Alex spoke openly on The View about his admiration for Jennifer’s intelligence (smart move!) and admitted they are a couple. This weekend the pair walked arm in arm down a busy Manhattan street and heads swiveled and all eyes seemed to focus upon them. That’s Jennifer’s mom Guadalupe walking next to them in the blue jacket, and she seems to heartily approve of her daughter’s latest boyfriend. And you KNOW how important THAT is!
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
Clearly this is a commercial pairing. He can do much better with a younger woman
What a joke and like all the recent publicity put out by J Lo pr machine. Alex better run for the hills and away from this.
She has a very smart manager to sell her talentless self but she is a greedy shrew with very plain looks when without makeup.
so he went ‘Anal’?
She he must have a very low IQ if that’s the case.
Guadalupe LOATHED Puffy, LOVED Ben (and was beside herself when it all went to sh*t).
She probably considers A-Rod (snicker) to be a happy medium; they do make for a very striking-looking couple.
And to anyone who can’t see that Jennifer is one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood: get some LASIK! 🙂