We’re always intrigued by celebrities who drive vintage or unique cars as opposed to the more obvious ultra expensive vehicles. Twilight’s Cam Gigandet is crazy about his beautifully restored Mustang Shelby GT500. After he parks, he likes to sit in the car and listen to music while he has a smoke. Cam’s movie with Cher and Christina Aguilera, “Burlesque,” comes out in November.

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  2. Blow the smoke out the window so you don’t wreck the upholstery.

  3. i dunno who that dude is (I’m not into Twilight) but I dig his car!

  4. How the hell are they going to get Cher on film without sending audiences into vomiting spasms? She has pushed the plastic surgery too far at this point; she looks like Pete Burns on a bad day.

  5. I am sick of the words…..Twilight, Vampire and all things and all persons associated with it.

  6. Indy & Sebastian, I’m with you guys…sick to death of this crap and can’t wait for it all to go away…hope the sweep takes out gaga too! She’s just as nauseating!
    As for the car, I don’t think too much of THAT body style of Mustang. And if the guy is REALLY into loving his car so much, while he sits there listening to music, he really needs to ditch the cancer stick altogether. NASTY!!! I agree, if he smokes in the car, the whole inside of it will reek like ass and be ruined. Seems like a lot of the younger generation of “actors” (hahahahahaha) smoke…they must think they look “cool”…yeah, riiight…you’ll look cool with a hole in your throat with smoke curling out of it too! Good luck with that!

  7. Reta, don’t you just love the sad instant-cool shtick? Smoke a cigarette to be an outsider, get some tats to be a rebel, guys shave your head to be a hard man. Don’t these kids get that if it is instant it has no staying power?

    I blame Madonna. Before her people understood that there was no such thing as instant cool. Ask all those seventies punks who got beaten up or chased half the time they went out, or the Glam Rock kids or New Romantics who heard choruses of “Faggot”. You paid your dues to be cool. Now everyone thinks it can be ordered on the internet and delivered within 5 days by priority post.

  8. True. AND it’s all been done before and a thousand times better when original. NOTHING is original now, nothing. Gagme thinks she is original but she is really only ripping off the REAL originals that came before her a LONG time ago. I’ll take Cyndi Lauper over Gagme AND Madonna any time! Now, Cyndi is COOL!

  9. Cyndi is the cautionary tale for our times: few people like, never mind appreciate, an original. Put on the uniform, lip-sync to crappy tune and smile like you believe you deserve all the world has to offer and that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should.

  10. No comments. Don’t know anything about Twilight or vampire garbage.

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