After all that red carpet indulgence, it’s nice to cleanse the palate by appreciating cute animals without attitude. Our friend Stephen Saban at The WOW Report found this photo of something you don’t see very often – a pair of baby platypuses. These semi-aquatic creatures live in Australia and the look like an evolutionary cross between a reptile and a mammal. They’re covered with fur (in the 1800’s people wore platypus coats) but have web feet and a flat beak like a duck. And they growl! They’re celebrities in the animal kingdom.

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  1. AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I think they are really darling. I love Hedgehogs too. And Manatees. Fantastic and amazing animals. Too bad the Manatees are in such danger in the Everglades from the boats there.

  2. Manatees are sweet animals, so harmless. I also love Baby seals. Please Canada, stop slaughtering them.

  3. There is nothing cuter than a baby anything. I highly recommend helping to sustain your local animal shelter or wildlife rescue with an occasional donation.

  4. What angels! Some of Mother Nature’s jokes, but thats alrite. Sweeties and cuties!

  5. How sweet! Thank you Janet for that adorable photo. But for “uncle bill’s” ridiculous (as usual) comment, it’s a nice way to start the day.

  6. Lady Chatterly, the only Canadians eating seals are the Inuit in the far north. It is their traditional protein source along with other marine pinnipeds and land mammals. Cows don’t do so well eating ice and snow so the Inuit stick to what’s always been available to them for millennia.
    Reta can’t go to far north, the Inuit would spear her for sure.

  7. The platypus is one of the few mammals to produce venom. Males have a pair of spurs on their hind limbs. The male’s pair of spurs spits out a cocktail of poisons that, while excruciatingly painful, is not lethal to most animals.

    Effect on humans

    Although powerful enough to kill smaller animals, the venom is not lethal to humans. However, it produces excruciating pain which may be intense enough to incapacitate the victim. Swelling rapidly develops around the entry wound and gradually spreads outwards. Information obtained from case studies shows that the pain develops into a long-lasting hyper-algesia that can persist for months but usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks.A clinical report from 1992 showed that the severe pain was persistent and did not respond to morphine. There have been no reported human fatalities.

  8. Not true Patrick. Inuits don’t club baby seals for fur, Canadians do for $$$$$. Inuits only eat fully grown adults and only a few a year.

  9. Hey Harpie. Of course.
    Newfoundlanders do what they gotta do.
    And they manage their fishery better than most. They have to.
    Seals are a viable resource. Like cows or chickens or those dogs that Reta has.
    Don’t fuck with the Newfs. You don’t fuck with that shit.

  10. Patty Boy: to what do I owe this honor of your newest rant?

    My DOG (singular) is a 7 pound Yorkie. What’s YOUR problem? Perhaps you are related to these Platypuses for you seem to regularly regurgitate your own type of venom. Watch out, don’t screw up and accidentally swallow it, wouldn’t want your THROAT to be out of commission for any length of time, now would we? If you get my jism (oops, I mean jist).

  11. Your Yorkies weight is above the average Reta. Why do you over feed it? It can’t be good for his health.
    Do you have food issues Reta? You know you are supposed to thaw those Sara Lee cakes on the counter, not in your mouth.

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