This missing bombshell explains a LOT. Britney had a good reason for busting out of Promises rehab early Wednesday. K-Fed had KIDNAPPED her children! Not long after Brit checked into the Malibu rehab, Kevin appeared at the Malibu house and TOOK the children away from Britney’s mother. Her mom tried to get police help but they wouldn’t get involved since Kevin was their father and had legal custody. Plus, of course Britney was not there. He took the children to his house in Sherman Oaks. Kevin confided to friends that he thought Britney was “crazy” and he loves his children too much to leave them with her family. Kevin’s family, including his mother, are at the house with the kids. His friends say he has a very “normal” family. THAT’s why Brit broke out of rehab and ran straight to a lawyer’s office. (above) Kevin reasoned with her and let her visit the kids to see they were all right. He told her she must complete rehab in order to get the children back. So now she’s back in treatment and motivated.
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Kevin didn’t kidnap his kids. He rescued them from a mother clearly in trouble. Britney needs people who will tell her no and not kiss her @@@. What is she wanted to shave her kids head?
that was a good move… i’m not sure that kevin is very grown up himself. i read somewhere today that britney’s mom lynn was cooperating with kevin and his mother as far as caring for the boys… i didnt know or think that there was some kind of tussle between the two, and the involvement of police.
i have this feeling that when the dust settles, kevin and britney may get back together.
god janet you are full of shit. brit’s parents have stated today they are working with kevin and that he has had them since last week when she checked into the first rehab. Brit’s mom and his mom have been helping him with the boys.I bet brit and kevin work things out once she gets clean and sober. there is obviously still love there.
Is that a puppy Britney’s carrying?
I bet it’s scared.
She’s gonna shave that puppy!
Thank God he has stepped up to the plate and become a daddy.
Britney is a fucking train wreck ! Someone needs to teach this childish bitch a lesson !
She thinks because she has money & fame she can get away with this shit !!!
Is there a rehab for bad mothers ?
There should be –
Britney must be an extremely self centered somebody. Much respect to my Mom and others like her who certainly could have gone insane from time to time but never allowed themselves the luxury as responsibility to family always took precedence.
Oh my god! The kids were fine with Britney’s mom. They are in danger at Kevin’s. What if Shar stops by. She is liable to hurt the kids since Kevin’s white kids have a better life than his kids were Shar since she lives off Moesha residuals. Wow! And Kevin is getting the positive press. Why didn’t he take the kids when she started hanging out with Paris. Oh! He was probably out getting another woman pregnant. Britney shouldn’t have her kids because she has been too focused on getting high and showing the birth canal. But, Kevin is taking the kids to get child support.
Kevin should be a dad to all of his 4 kids but he was busy schemeing Britney to be with his first two kids. Why would you go to Europe when your son is about to be born in 2004 by Shar. Wow, what is with everyone giving Kevin all this praise. Those Federline see nothing but dollar signs by getting the boys from Britney. Wow, give full custody to Lynn and only give Britney and Kevin supervised visitation since they are unfit parents at this moment. This way, the child support goes to the Spears family and not to a damn Federline. K-Fed is so irresponsible that she paid his child support for his first two kids while they were married.
8.55pm i am sure she offered to pay the child support as she offered to buy him the ferrari and had it customized to federline instead. She gave it to him. Britney was photographed on many occasions playing with his children from Shar. Britney GAVE a lot becuase she had a lot to just give away. At this point there is NOTHING that makes him a bad parent. I don see him in the media constantly and thats the way it should be. She dosent get that yet.
Who would have thought Kev would have turned out to be a good guy. He had every right to do what he did. Britney needs help and I hope she gets it.
No Patsy!
They’re both idiots!
Only the grandparents could possibly raise babies.
And it’s a gramma thing goin on here I suspect.
Kidnapped? Sure they were. Of course, nobody said anything when mama brit was getting smashed in the lounges of H-Wood, but now, she has to race home to save those kids that she ignores anyway? I dont buy it, I dont believe it and this is just another excuse. Good that the kids father came to care for them because their mama just doesnt seem to give a damn.
I feel sorry for those 2 boys.Imagine 15 years from now,when they get to read about mommy showing her snatch,and shaving her head.can you say redmond o”neal?
Good that he took HIS children. They should be with a responsible parent. Brits son probably got scared and freaked out when he saw her bald. He’s young but kids are smart and notice and absorb everything at that age. Don’t think kids should be with Brits mom, look what a lousy job she did of raising Britney.
This is just so lame…Theese people should be adults and able to take care about their children BUT they are too busy with them selfs and MOM’s cover the back…Would it be cool if K-fed took the boys and his mom wasn’t there?I hope theese kids will grove up fast before the grannys are dead…who will take care them then?JUST think about the NUTS are involved.I say GROW UP all of you and really do something normal.
Janet, very irresponsible with your screaming headlines about her babies being kidnapped. You yourself said Kevin has legal custody, so it is ridiculous to call the act of Kevin getting his kids from Britney’s mom and taking them home with him “kidnapping”.
Of course. Give the children to Lynne Spears. She did such a fine job with Britney. I am so sick of perpetual adolescents breeding without forethought and dumping the progeny on the grandparents. It is an ugly, ugly trend.
Main Entry: kid
Shame on you for accusing a father with legal custody of kidnapping his children. Do you think before you write? Should he have left them with “Crazy Mom”? What’s wrong with you? They’re better off almost anywhere than with Brittney. He did something good, something a caring father should do, and you slam him for it. Shame on you!
Stupid headline. What would it have been had Kevin not stepped in and cared for his sons? You should show more responsiblilty as a member of the press. Or was the point to sensationalize and get more hits? Stupid!
who really gives a shit!! Let’s move on to something else….NOT ANS
Janet, you fucking douchebag! Kevin didn’t KIDNAP his kids — they’re HIS KIDS! If their mother can’t care for them, he has every legal right to take them.
Ohhhh…you are such a paragon of journalism professionalism. Kevin kidnapped his kids when he has legal custody? How’s that even possible? Maybe you might want to work some more substance into your pieces rather than simple sensationalism.
It must be terrible for children to grow up with divorced parents that bicker. God Bless that the children turn out sane!
he’s the father, you idiot.
Wouldn’t abortion been useful for a case like this?
COURTS $$ $$ $$
First of all Janet come on! Those kids were NOT kidnapped! The 13 year old boy that was forced into a strangers truck at gun point was KIDNAPPED! Those two babies were taken by their FATHER who as of right now still has full legal and physical custody of them pending a ruling at a later date by the judge handling this divorce case. While I never thought I’d say this THANK GOODNESS for K-Fed! While those boys mother was out running around like a lunatic who was taking care of them? A hired “baby-momma”. Good for Kevin. I’m proud he took them and I sure hope he keeps them for a good long time!
A parent can be convicted of abduction if they do not have court ordered custody of their children.
The terminology is a little different but means the same thing.
Most Amber alerts are generated by parental abductions.
Best thing for these kids, in my opinion.
Let Janet raise them.
Thank you for some GOOD gossip!
lets refresh zee memory for a second….. when britney had her first son, she stayed at home while her husband, kevin partied and played poster pimp gangstah smoking, drinking, doing weed, chasing hoes and going to vegas to party with strippers. he was a cheating jerk. and no, he wasnt there for britney when she had her sons. so, to come out now and start making kevin into a saint like some of you here are doing is just plain silly.
she didnt flash her vagina for the world to see. some idiot paparazzo with a telephoto lens aimed that camera at her privates as she was getting out of a car. it was that one tenth of a nano second that gave that asshole pervert his money shot. i drive, and when i get into and out of my car, i have to open my legs in order to get in and out.
britney is under a tremendous ammount of pressure. she is the breadwinner for her family, for her flakey husband and his family, for the illigitimate children he has with another woman, for trying to get him into a music career for paying for his extravagant lifestyle…
then she has another baby just last september. kevin wasnt even around. he was busy partying with with his gangstah posers and drinking and sleeping around.
so, here she is as the breadwinner for an entire village. she just had a baby and people are pressuring her to go back to having the body she did when she was 18 ? and to quickly come out with another album? im not condoning what she did, but on a certain level i can understand her going out on a limb in this crazy rebellious manner. unfortunately it is self destructive. i dont think that this is a terminal situation. she will get her shit together. just show her a timy amount of compassion.
oh, and to the person who was getting into semantics about the word, kidnapping….it struck me as ironic that included in the definition are the words: Fraud and demand for ransom. those two descriptive words apply to kevin. lol
lets refresh zee memory for a second….. when britney had her first son, she stayed at home while her husband, kevin partied and played poster pimp gangstah smoking, drinking, doing weed, chasing hoes and going to vegas to party with strippers. he was a cheating jerk. and no, he wasnt there for britney when she had her sons. so, to come out now and start making kevin into a saint like some of you here are doing is just plain silly.
she didnt flash her vagina for the world to see. some idiot paparazzo with a telephoto lens aimed that camera at her privates as she was getting out of a car. it was that one tenth of a nano second that gave that asshole pervert his money shot. i drive, and when i get into and out of my car, i have to open my legs in order to get in and out.
britney is under a tremendous ammount of pressure. she is the breadwinner for her family, for her flakey husband and his family, for the illigitimate children he has with another woman, for trying to get him into a music career for paying for his extravagant lifestyle…
then she has another baby just last september. kevin wasnt even around. he was busy partying with with his gangstah posers and drinking and sleeping around.
so, here she is as the breadwinner for an entire village. she just had a baby and people are pressuring her to go back to having the body she did when she was 18 ? and to quickly come out with another album? im not condoning what she did, but on a certain level i can understand her going out on a limb in this crazy rebellious manner. unfortunately it is self destructive. i dont think that this is a terminal situation. she will get her shit together. just show her a timy amount of compassion.
oh, and to the person who was getting into semantics about the word, kidnapping….it struck me as ironic that included in the definition are the words: Fraud and demand for ransom. those two descriptive words apply to kevin. lol
( who are those two women behind britney ? ) are they hangers on who want to be photographed with their favorite celeb??
Does she wear a murkin as well?
i think that those two ladies behind britney are $cientology groupies who are hoping to kidnap Britney into their cult at her weakest hour.
freaking cult vultures.
Stay tuned to this this story as in about two weeks the movie studio’s or her record company are going to be releasing her new album.
Wonder if Trump shaved his head and enter rehab would his rating soar ?
BET YOU he wiggs out on that WWE challenge about having his hair shaved, but if I were some pro-wrestlers I’d grab that dude and shave his head anyway… lol.
kfed doesnt live in sherman oaks he lives in tarzana where he is renting a house. its not far from the shop where brit shaved her head.
Give Brittney Spears’ kids to Bobby Brown. He’ll surely take care of them and surely pay child support for sure too!
Give Brittney Spears kids to Bobby Brown. He will take care of them for sure and give them child support for sure too!