Melanie Griffith walked into an LA skin care salon with her “Antonio”heart tattoo fully exposed on her right arm and she walked out of the place with a big bandage where the tattoo was. (Above) Presumably, it is in the process of being removed – it takes a number of visits. Actually Melanie looks a lot better without it. Neither tattoos OR relationships are permanent. Now Melanie is officially back in circulation.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
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Great, who wants that drugged up skank. He is the lucky one to get out.
pretty scary though……….
57 going on 80. At least.
Karma’s a bitch, so is tat removal, that’ll hurt more than her lost love.
I can very easily believe that any marriage that break up can be emotional and devastating.
Even though Melanie has been in the public eye for years, she is the mother of 2 adults and a 17 year old daughter. She has to be given credit for being in a long term marriage that has only recently sadly ended. Even though Melanie has been married to high profile entertainers, hopefully she will be reminded to take time out for herself and take her time while healing her heart. The fact that Melanie and Antonio are well known
only intensifies the curiosity about the two of them as a couple who have recently decided to go their separate ways after being together for so long. Just saying!!
Independence is spelled wrong.
Yeah, all the grammar errors on this site kill me.
She could’ve just removed his name and put a big question mark in its place. After all, it won’t be long until she latches on to someone else. She hasn’t been without a man since she was about 14, so I doubt she’s capable of being on her own for any length of time.
I predict the extremely wealthy Mel will become a (gasp) cougar, such as Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, etc. Many young wannabes will try to romance her, hoping to further their career and maybe be invited to live in one of her mansions. She will have a hard time ahead and should have known marriage to this serial cheater would come to an end sooner or later. Such are the ways of GollyWeird. After all, there are not many eligible men left her age, what is available are fags, AC/DC’s, divorcees, drunks, druggies, cheaters, liars, whore-mongers, etc.