We’ve never seen Cher promote an album with more enthusiasm than she did her latest one, and her hard work has paid off. “Closer to the Truth” (containing her single “Woman’s World”) is expected to debut on the Billboard chart tomorrow at #3 and that’s the BIGGEST debut of her 26 album history! (Drake is #1 and Kings of Leon #2) Another old-timer, Elton John, might not be thrllled to learn he’s following Cher at #4. It all bodes well for Cher’s planned album tour. It’s amazing how her popularity endures.
Billboard Cher Woman's World
Good for Cher. A total talent.
Elton is a tired, old, angry, selfish queen. His performance at Rush Limbaugh’s wedding was a disgrace. A money hungry whore.
Rock on Cher.
her words: F*GGOTS DIE!!
Cher respects her gay following to much to use the F word. But some people on here use it far too much and end up sounding like trash. SMH