Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rourke have something in common. She, too was distraught when her Maltese Sugar passed away. Liz immediately got another Maltese that looked just like Sugar and named her Daisy. But Daisy was not sweet like Sugar – she wasn’t happy sitting on Liz’s lap all the time – she wanted to run around and bark and play. Exasperated Liz gave Daisy to a nephew and replaced her with yet another white Maltese she named Daisy, who’s a bit older and calmer. No one even noticed the switch, and Liz doesn’t mention it.

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  1. Age and disability – such a sad ending to such a magnificent life, I hope to go quickly. I see Liz as Cleopatra like it was last year; life is too short for us all.

  2. I love Elizabeth Taylor! I hope she is being taken care of very well. I wish she would let her hair go gray. She would still look great and it would be one less thing to worry about.

  3. Janet can’t you leave this poor woman alone? I find your posts about her very distastefuul and the photos accompanying them very unflattering to ths screen legend. Please change your ways. I’m disgusted by this.

  4. What is Janet trying to say? Is she worried for the dog or being catty about the disabled star?

  5. I heard from a reliable source that she keeps her dog locked up, alone and frightened in a laundry room. When they die, she replaces it with another poor Maltese.

  6. I read on several web sites that the Maltese has
    healing powers. In ancient times, the owners of
    these dogs would put them upon their chests when
    they were sick or just not feeling well and, about
    twenty minutes later they would be feeling much,
    much better. I had a Maltese mix who was my heart
    and I tried this and it really worked! I believe
    that this is why Elizabeth Taylor always has a
    Maltese. She has had so many health problems. I’m
    so sorry that she lost her “Sugar”. I lost my dear
    Abby, too, and I know how she feels.

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