Photo Credit: Splash News
Looking like “The Real Housewives of Long Island,” Jennifer Lopez and her Scientolopal Leah Remini stormed Mauro’s restaurant at Fred Segal for a bite to eat. At least SOMEBODY is out shopping these days. These two WOULD make an interesting reality show.
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Jeans never looked sooooooooo gooood.
Out of Sight,
An Unfinsished Life,
The Cell,
El Cantante,
My favorite JLO movies.
Great to see real women with real bodies in LA.
Maybe last minute shopping before jetting off to Vina del Mar, Chile.
Wonder if they left their kids at the Scientology factory?
What a pair of goofballs.
Leah can’t control her child, the kid runs the house and she’s 3 years old. It was on Rachel Ray.
Leah is a Scientologist, and score one for her if she can recruit JLO. Three free auditing sessions to those who can reel in a big one. She looks dumb, acts dumb, and to be a Scientologist proves it.
Not much talent but lots of ego between the 2. Maybe Black Puffy Combs is meating them for lunch.
I saw that Rachael Ray show, too. Leah went on there willingly asking an expert for help to control her daughter who is about 3-4 yrs. old. They had videotaped life in her household to show how spoiled the kid is. It was unbelievable. Leah and her husband jump instantly to that kid’s every whim. They hardly get any sleep. I think it’s already too late. Wait til that kid is a teen. –
If you wach any u tube video’s of JLO music you see quickly she is not playing her heritage, she is simply out playing the black side of the street in Ghetto cruz style. Then when it suits her she decides to become a PR queen. What a faker.
All the Jen apologists should read the other article on the sidebar about the true cheapness of this person. She learned it from the black rappers and now won’t pay up for help. Does she have an illegal nanny too?
These women hae been hypnotized and brainwashed so “The Chuch” can fleece them of their cash
This is one of the many things wrong in America today.
JLo is a closet Scieno. Her father is a Scieno, too. And between her and the miserable Leah Remini, there isn’t enough reality to fill a 30 second commercial, let alone a “reality” show.
Uhm, was it too much to ask for a localized — but devastating — meteor strike hitting the studio on the day Leah was on the R. Ray show?
Maybe if she was a hypocrite like Jolie and went around collecting trophies errr I mean kids, or posing in some hell hole of a country with a coooorupt govttt. that oppressses people, the press would adore her like they do the Pittts, Obammmas, Cloooneyss.
And Kabballah isn’t sucking celebs bank accounts dry.
I don’t believe in any hollywood so called religions .
LOPEZ didn’t have the hollywood connections or stardom handed to her on a silver platter like jolie,paltrow,barrymore,zeta,winsletor kidman; she earned her place in cinema and you can’t take that from her.
To: 9:30 PM (it’s true)….I also saw the Rachael Ray show where Leah was talking about her 3 year old. The reason the kid was going nuts and running around was because she was going nuts listening to that whiny, nasal, irritating voice of Mama Leah. Kids and grown-ups cringe when she talks. Btw, I can’t stand Rachael Ray and rarely watch. She constantly looks up to the audience and says “I KNOW” for no reason at all. When she went back to her husband after his major whore-spitting scandal makes me know Rachel is also a sub-prime human.
“Maid in Manhattan” should be a fun show if they they stay away from political—-propaganda. Fugly Betty was doomed by it when will Hwood learn same goes for movies.
Don’t feel threatened by Hollywood religions, worry about the multi trillion…spending packages that are gonna taxxxxxx us into oblivion….while losing your freedom–of speech.
You can’t beleive everything you read about Jenny, since she is the richest movie star, hated and envied by many yet still a Mega Star around the world.
Both very talented good looking chicks who seem healthy and happy!
She is definately not the richest, and bending over to be humped by Black Puffy Combs was what she was willing to do to gain fame….would any but a street ho say it is worth it? She is much more black than Hispanic, using either when it suits her gain.
Celebrities simply want to give anybody a look.
That’s why the goggles, folks!!
Most bloggers have artists they love and hate.
I am curious why the majority of bloggers hate this woman, a hard working woman that proved you can become successful in a great country if you are determined.
B Bobby… sound so bitter, were you one of Lopez rejects ?
what’s up with JLO
s bag?
is she trying to hide the pepper mill
Look at Janet C’s story on the Pay Lo tour and it tells you all you need to know about Jen.
Hot New do, for new film.
They would be reaaly funny together in a movie about sibling rivalry among movie stars in the biz.