John Travolta’s blackmail situation regarding the death of his son Jett makes the whole story look more fishy. It is now known that the blackmail document released emergency services of liability because Travolta wanted to take his son to FLORIDA, instead of to the local hospital in the Bahamas after his seizure. Since Jett was barely alive when medics arrived and in need of EMERGENCY treatment, this is a very peculiar choice indeed. (For whatever reason, John changed his mind, or it was changed for him.) No WONDER those crooked Bahamians figured John would want that kept quiet. We can only assume that John planned to fly his son to the Clearwater headquarters of Scientology where his home and landing field is. THAT sounds like an attempted to cover up to us.
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I heard he considered flying to Florida because the hospital was a 45 minute drive by ambulance and he thought he might be able to get Jet to a better US hospital quicker in his own plane.
There was no cover up, only a perceived opportunity for creeps to profit….and the morons got that wrong! Leave this family alone. It seems like you are licking your fangs just praying to get something on the Travolta’s. Why? Is it because they are Scientologists or are you envious of their talents,lifestyle and the love that they have as a family. You are pathetic! Get a life!
He wanted his son in a American hospital.
Don’t blame him for that.
I agree he probably wanted Jett in an American hospital. We know the weirdness that came out of the Anna Nicole Smith death investigation in the Bahamas. Those people are weird. But it sounds like no hospital staff anywhere would have saved Jett’s life, unfortunately.
Janet,your post shows a tasteless insensitivity to this greiing family. Actually it is disgusting. Why do you do this to people which have just lost their son? This is a terrible tragedy, not gossip fodder for you to make ad revenue on.
Usually enjoy this column but you’re way off base here Janet. Not a parent or Caribbean traveller I’m assuming. Perhaps a basic geopgraphy and travel bone-up would have helped you avoid this fantasy conspiracy theory. Look @ a map & you’ll see Clearwater was never an option for a frightened parent. As a parent and a frequent Miami to Bahamas flier, it’s a 35 minute flight and given a choice I’d choose Miami’s hospitals ANY day were my child in need of serious non-emergency medical attention. However I’m sure they realized that you can’t land a jet (only choppers) @ hospitals and would’ve still needed ground transport to MIA so they chose the Bahamian ambulance option. DUH! I’d hope and love to see you correct your IDIOTIC ” We can only assume that John planned to fly his son to the Clearwater headquarters of Scientology where his home and landing field is. THAT sounds like an attempted to cover up to us.”
Make no mistake about it…..the beliefs of Scientology played some role in this tragedy. Those who do not understand SCI have no idea the depth of their cultish activities. Look at tiny Tom Cruise-meister and you will know they are demonic. (This is in no way minimizing the grief of the Travoltas).
I wouldn’t be surprised if the alleged blackmail was itself a Scieno plot to keep attention off the Scieno angle to this child’s death, and to garner more sympathy for Travolta.
As an earlier poster said, this continued attempt to exploit an innocent child’s death and a family’s devastating pain by constantly asserting that something sinister MUST have been going on just because you hate Scientology and therefore want some ridiculous “plot” to be “exposed” (bigoted much, Janet?) — well — it is TASTELESS AND INSENSITIVE. It’s just wrong.
Setting aside the Scientology aspect, two thoughts:
1. Given the proximity to Florida via air, it’s entirely reasonable that transferring the boy there, rather than to a Bahamian hospital by car, was considered as an option.
2. The most likely conclusion regarding the death is that the first version of events was closest to the truth. Until the multiple public statements by the two Travolta lawyers, circumstances indicated that Jett Travolta was last seen alive SEVERAL HOURS before he was discovered — stricken/near death.
Given the employ of two “nannies,” the baby monitor and numerous other adults on the premises — including the parents, it’s likely that the fact that Jett’s absence was not noticed for so long can only compound the grief the Travoltas must be feeling. It’s understandable they would not want such details being made public.
Janet it is obvious you’ve never been in the Bahamas. Although it is fairly sophisticated and full of rich people, the hospitals aren’t as good as those in the United States. I would have done the same thing–thinking my child had a MUCH better chance at survival in a US hospital than in a Bahamian one.
THEY REALLY EXHIST? YEP INDEED, no question about it: THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL scientology LOSER, folks!!
God Knows God Judges. He giveth and He taketh away!
Scientology and all aspects of it and all those who belong to it are lost. And that is because Christ Jesus is totally not in this cult, is never mentioned.