Talk about being out of touch with the real world. Without flinching, Gwyneth Paltrow presented her list of “must-haves” for Spring on her website Goop – by popular demand, of course. The stuff she can’t live without this season adds up to $450,000! Gwyneth’s selections include a $5,500 Valentino python bag, shoes averaging $700 a pair and jackets in the $2000 to $5000 range. Very few of her favorites are even remotely in the price range of an average working woman. When you think about it, it isn’t that hard to look good if your budget is $450,000.

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  1. Her Father used to be a tyrant at MTM years ago, so the Paltrow’s have always been on the holier than thou side. But this woman take the pissy cake. She oozes arrogance and looks like if you touched her she would break. If it is possible for a woman to be too effeminate…..this is the chick.

  2. I doubt she is actually providing content for GOOP. I am not excusing her and I don’t typically visit her site but I did read this. So she is getting a lot of page views which she would not get normally.

  3. She is flaunting her wealth so she can get her jollies. She knows she is doing this.

  4. Having looked at her website, her receipes are in the normal range.
    The fashions Ms.Paltrow shows are what women see in Vogue, and other magazines. Not many people can afford anything in Vogue. Yet, Vogue sells to the millions of minions.
    So, our choices are Oprah’s Favorite Things, or Goop’s Favorite Things. No thanks to both.

  5. call an excorsist.

  6. Thank you bluejay, you are right, I’m sick of people putting her down

  7. I actually subscribe to goop and she does offer some good ideas from cooking, hotels, exercise, etc, and I can even appreciate her 450K wardrobe. It gives me an idea of what to throw together for the season. That said, would I appreciate it better if someone on her blog staff compiled the affordable version? Yes.

    Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

  8. She is pretentious, untalented, and not even attractive. She is where she is because of family connections, period.

    There is NO excuse to use fur/python skin for vanity to flaunt her wealth. She is repulsive.

  9. If I had her money, those would be my favorite things too!

  10. I think she looks incredible in this pic (natural looking breasts and all). Also GP fashion sense is spot on, I love to see what she wears, a little boho chic thrown in with preppy cool~

    She’s won an oscar and I do believe Gwenny is a talented actress. As for wanting to spend 450,000 on bucket list items, mine run in the millions; it doesn’t necessarily mean all those things are going to be bought and if they were, good for her. Let’s help that economy!!

  11. Whenever I see Gwyn, I can recall naked pics of Brad Pitt and her on their ‘private’ balcony, when they were shacking up for 3 or 4 years. This is not mere rumor, she has admitted it.

    But this is not the reason I dislike her, and I truly don’t know what it is. Natalie and I can’t put our finger on it, but it’s something something.

  12. Indy, I have those photos saved on a hard drive, from back when Brad was HOT and had a smoking six pack. They happened to pop up whilst I was going through files and handing over a business using my personal computer, so embaressing, fortunately she thought they were v. nice.

    I know what you mean, something about Ms Gwennie ‘head stuck so far up her own a*s’ Paltrow that repels me, can’t quite put my finger on it either, but have never got the appeal of her.

    Mind you, could be she is a cray cray – in life, that type instantly repels me.

  13. What?? She’s not out of touch with her reality. She’s a movie star and she’s very wealthy. These are her must haves. Why should they coincide with yours?

    You wouldn’t be writing about Hollywood celebs if they didn’t live in their own worlds…completely different than your average Joe. That’s what makes them so interesting.

    So cut rich folks a break and enjoy a peak into their worlds.

  14. She won 1 Oscar which I heard she was not that good in the movie. How come since than she has not won another Oscar??

    She is too full of herself. She really believes her marriage is as good as she wants the world to believe.

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