Our friend Chris America is a professional Madonna impersonator and has been for years. We think she’s a dead ringer. Naturally she has to change her look a LOT because that’s what Madonna does. Chris sent is this latest photo that we decided to share with you. You can see more at www.MadonnaLookAlike.com.
Super job Janet. I haven’t seen this story anywhere else except on your site. Keep up the good work, we’re all very proud of you.
She looks just like her.
I thought the Short Legged Witch was looking especially cute today – Chris America will be banking for awhile!
she’s a much better looking than Hagdonna…And Janet, cool to see you have your own gig now..Hi! I see you around town quite often, Whole Foods etc…can’t miss the orange hair!
Judy Jetson at sixty… pretty.
I think (s)he looks a lot like Madonna in these photos here but not on his/her web site. Sometimes the face looks close but the body is all wrong. Madonna is super skinny and muscular, which this person isn’t. Plus Madonna is so OVER.
Big improvement over the real thing!
Is she older or younger than the real M? Dead ringer!
Wow…are there some bitter jealous queens posting up there or WHAT?!! Chris America ROCKS!!! No one comes closer to looking like Madonna!
You must be blind! Chris America is FANTASTIC! Anyone commenting like that screams “Jealous Drag Queen on the Rag”. Her web site pictures are RINGERS and her build is close enough so QUIT HATIN’! By the way. Ms Ciccone has just broken world records for concert sales – so she is FAR from being washed up. You need to get your facts straight!!! SNAP!!!
Wow. This is a real impressionist no doubt. I’m sold! …Beautiful. Thanks for sharing Janet! Nice change from typical celeb articles.
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