Nicolas Cage has had several alcohol fueled public meltdowns lately and we’re thinking it’s Next Stop: REHAB. He embarrassed himself in Bucharest when he got so drunk at a party he was bellowing incoherently in the street and had to be dragged into his car by a bodyguard. He even forgot his wife at the party and they had to go back. He’s made several drunken scenes in New Orleans, but this last one is absurd because he was SO hammered he forgot where he lived, and took it out on his wife. (He had to sell his New Orleans home and is currently renting.) It was very late and Nic was drunkenly insisting on entering the wrong residence and his 20 years younger wife Alice Kim was trying to convince him they were staying at a building nearby. Imagine if he had stormed into the wrong house! As usual, Cage made a huge fuss and was bullying, yelling and roughing up his wife on the street when a cab called the police. When police came he DARED them to arrest him and they did. Cage was booked at 6:33 AM. (How late are the bars open there, anyway?) It’s time for Nicolas to get a grip on his finances AND his substance abuse.

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  1. After the decadent, hedonistic lifestyle he has lived.
    He wears this well. Karma.

  2. New Orleans is my home and I can tell you that the bars in the French Quarter don’t close. We even have drive thru daiquiri shops.

  3. They’re ooky and they’re spooky they’re the Addams, uh Cage, family.

  4. Hey Patrick,
    Me thinks you are right on the money. Karma is kicking his butt!!

    You have “drive thru daiquiri shops” ?? It sounds so wonderful and naughty. I want one in my neighborhood!!!

    Married for money above sunset blvd,
    I agree she very pretty but aging quickly around Cage. Don’t they have a baby together?

    I think you picked the perfect theme song for this bunch…especially father and son (cousin It lookalike).

  5. His wife is adorable. The son a little too goth for my taste. It is too bad what’s happened to him. I always found him to be a good actor (although I hated Leaving Las Vegas). Perhaps his money troubles are finally getting to him.

    Drive thru daiquari shops? I’m so there.

  6. which of the persons in the photo is not like the others? oh wait, it’s Grandpa Nic.

  7. Yes, I promise all of you we have drive thru daiquiri shops and before I was legal (won’t say what my age is now), they didn’t even ID at the drive thru so guess how I spent my weekends?? If you saw the video on TMZ, the cups they have are “to go cups” and thats what they give you to put your drink in if you leave the bar. Never a drink wasted or left behind although I am not against them cutting people off when they can’t even handle themselves anymore. Nic should have been.

  8. Notice the wife’s placement of the wine glass. Is this one of those subliminal messages by her or maybe she is trying to make fun of him? Either way this guy needs to get his shit together. STAT. When Dog the Bounty Hunter is bailing you out, you know it’s definitely time!!

  9. I really wonder why Americans continue to pay to see his rubbish films. The last good film he made was “Raising Arizona” in 1987.

  10. Hey Pippa,
    Raising Arizona is one of my favorite movies. Holly Hunter is hysterical in that one. Are you a Coen brothers fan? I also love Fargo & O Brother, Where Art Thou?

    and yes………………HE IS AMERICAN!!!!

  12. “Raising Arizona” is a PERFECT movie.

    And it Looks like “raising Weston” might have had its moments, too.

  13. Muffin Top!!….She may be in the hospital, as she has had ongoing problems since the accident of about 3 months ago, where she was blown off the road by a semi and hurt her head and arm. (I’m not sure if that’s where she is).

  14. Was she a mail order bride for Nic, back when he had big $$$$?

  15. Wrong girlfriend on Weston’s arm…she was so last year…He is getting married this weekend to Nikki Williams…Google an updated pic next time!!!!

  16. You love to drink and maybe you get carried away and yes it is good that your seeking help and getting it under control and Your Movie Kiss Ass was something strange and weird but made me see you in a whole nother way and I LOVE YOUR MOVIES AND YOUR WORKING YOUR ASS OFF AND YOU JUST NEED A BREAK AND TAKE SOME TIME OFF AND I SURE THINGS WILL BECOME MORE CLEAR TO YOU AND GOOD LUCK AND TAKE CARE AND HOPE YOU GET WELL AND GOD BLESS YOU.

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