This former A-list celebrity, who’s now barely on the B list, is struggling to maintain her looks, but job offers have become few and far between. She may be a mom, but she till parties like a teenager. P Diddy had a Grammy after-party at the Playboy mansion and Playmates were assigned to take groups of 10 or so people on tours of the mansion. When a Playmate leading a group of Japanese businessmen led them into the game room, they were startled to see this still sexy B-lister snorting a HUGE pile of coke. She wiped her nose, calmly introduced herself, and made a hasty exit.

Whodunit?? Guess who.

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12 thoughts on “

  1. The cops are all over the highways and doing stop and searches and bragging about every $100 of pot they find but somehow the “plates full of coke” people never get busted.

  2. Can’t be Pam. She has turned herself into a mirror image of Mae West..that is the later years Mae. It is so sad to see what she has done to her once “cute” self. Dlisted ran some recent photos of her and I had to look away.

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