Apparently Madonna isn’t the only celebrity with a brother on skid row.
Mike Walker in The Enquirer reports that Drew Barrymore has a half brother named John Barrymore III who is homeless in downtown Los Angeles. In fact, he’s walking around wearing a t-shirt that says “I’M DREW BARRYMORE’S BROTHER” and he can prove it. Poor Drew comes from a famous acting family that is plagued with alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental illness. Drew ended up supporting her own father John Barrymore Jr in his later derelict years but she’s not close to her older half brother, whose mother was actress Cara Williams.

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  1. seriously, who gives a flying fuck
    about some dude
    NO ONE has ever heard of or knows…..

  2. Could that explain why Drew moved to NY? I guess it’s probably safe to say, he won’t be on her supposed upcoming wedding guest list! It is quite sad for her, this issue must really must be thorn in her side!

  3. Just checked out IMDB and my hunch is right: Cara Williams was quite a popular actress, both on television and in films, in the l940s and 50s. I remember her from “The Cara Williams Show,” and according to IMDB, she’s still kicking. I’m thinking she had enough of her wayward son as well… so many strikes against him from the beginning, so sad.

  4. Drew did help him over and over and over, until she realized he was a mean drunk and not safe to have around. He lived in her home, in her pool house and finally she felt she was only aiding in his destruction. This guy is a walking disaster. Just because she’s famous doesn’t mean she has to take care of an ADULT sibling who choses to self-destruct. This girl has had to put up with one horrible relative after another (including her mother)…I’d dump them too.

  5. wow ..no fact checking going on here i see… i mean you did get it right that the dude does exist but i guess the part about occupy wallstreet etc etc either didnt make the article or just didnt sound as good as homeless haha ..OR you just didnt chk your story …

  6. You lying Cunt ! I’m Johns Best friend, I knew your dad and mom ,so what the Fu*k did you except biotch ! Shut the Hell up cause it was on my floor that your dad banged your mom and made you . Drew Barrymore a backstabbing , shit talking Bitch !

  7. a vagina is still A VAGINA for him.
    …….so what’s the difference?

  8. He brought it on himself. Don’t feel sorry for him. Feel sorry for his family for always having that black hole that HIS love and happiness could fill.

    Mean drunks should be illegal and locked up until they get their heads on straight. My Uncle scarred me from the year he lived with my Mom and I.

  9. Why donate money that he’ll just drink up. He could get a job and take care of himself. I’m sure a lot of doors would open to him if he were sober and it was known he was Drew’s brother. He prefers to be selfish and drink…let him do that.

  10. A year or so ago, Drew was the answer to a kindness blind on CDAN regarding an actress who saw a homeless family as she was leaving a restaurant. She found them a place to stay, then hired both the mom & dad. So, if the reveal is true, Drew does what she can to help others. She’s been through substance abuse herself; I think she can figure out when and how to help without us second-guessing her.Ka

  11. I am a friend of John Barrymore, he is my acting coach and is with my agent Baron Talent. John is fine. He is a great speech coach and is in tune how to act naturally. I think Drew Barrymore is a great actress, and her step brother John Barrymore III is naturally as well as literally the greatest actor, coach, speech therapist working in Los Angeles.

  12. Well I am the aforementioned half-brother, and while it’s true that since I moved back to L.A. in 2009 that I haven’t had a mortgage or rental payment, I have not spent a single night on the street, let alone on skid row, I still have a lot of good friends. I didn’t even know where skid row was when this story first appeared, I had to inquire.

    This story seemed to start when I was staying at Occupy L.A. late in 2011. While I did have a tent there and spent most nights there for the last 3 weeks of the encampment, I did have a place to live, the same place I’m living now, in Koreatown. This is where I went to bathe while I was staying at Occupy L.A., which I did primarily just to be a witness to history. At that time someone (my sister Drew’s publicist, perhaps?) got this story going; I suppose it was easy to confuse my camping on the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall with living in refrigerator box on skid row. Easy for someone who just wanted to repeat a story without bothering to check a single fact.

    I would also like to say that Janet Charlton had my email address, I’ve had the same one (john@barrymore.com) since 1995, and I believe I corresponded with Janet in the late 1990s.

    But Janet is not alone in this, the Chicago Sun-Times, a supposedly ‘legitimate’ newspaper ran with the story which included so many bizarre, spurious allegations it must have come from a press release, if not my sister’s then someone else.

    By the way, I’m quite easy to find on the internet, just try John Blyth Barrymore or John Barrymore III, anyone who spends more than 2 minutes searching can probably come up with my email address, mentioned above, as well as my phone number. No one bothered to even do a superficial fact check.

    Think about that the next time you’re reading “celebrity news.”

    If anyone’s interested, I burnt out on programming after 20 years as a contract software developer, but I’m still doing a little computer consulting, acting (check my IMDB page), directing, and running an actors workshop in Los Angeles. For further information see:


  13. Johns an ok guy. communicated several times with him between 05 and 07. Decent dude. And if you read this John I hope your well. (sorry for stealing your gf kathy in 05 we did invite ya to the wedding though)

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