The big question floating around Hollywood since Kelly Osbourne and model Luke Worrall split up because she caught him cheating is: did she catch him with a MALE or a FEMALE? Last December this site doubted that the “engaged” pair would ever marry, especially since he had just appeared on the cover of cross-dressing magazine Candy. For some reason Kelly’s lips are sealed – she’s been carefully avoiding the subject of just WHO he cheated with, but most people think it was a man. Sharon Osbourne never liked him.

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  1. Is Kelly blind or just playing stupid? It’s apparent homeboy likes penis. Duh.

    Sebastian, lol. He probably got confused thinking Kelly is really Jack. Drugs kill brain cells.

  2. Well played (and common) publicity stunt. Little fellow plays for the home team. This isn’t news but it gives both of them some extra publicity. The Osbourne family are always entertaining to me. I especially like Sharon.

  3. Kelly’s penis is bigger than Jacks. Or is it, Jack’s clitoris is smaller than Kelly’s?

  4. I never thought they would carry thru with it either. And she’s grown up a lot and slimmed down as well since she was on Dancing. Time to go out and find a REAL man…one with hair on his arms and biceps bigger than hers. The two of them together in that top pic look like the Bobsy twins…so yeah, marraige material is the FIRST thing that pops into MY head, sure!!!

  5. Hey everyone, Captain America delayed going to his Mensa meeting in order to post that last comment. What commitment!

  6. At this point Captain America should say something like:

    This is what happens when two gay men – Ozzy and Sharon – raise children.

  7. Village, was that advice for Kelly, or Luke?

  8. Kelly is the prettiest boy ever – such a pretty boy that God gave him a vagina.

  9. Sebastian: You REALLY think Cap’n Asshole Gerard Vandenburg could ACTUALLY complete a full sentence like that? It’s much too cohesive for him, and lacks his favorite word -the only one he understands. I think Cap’n is drooling at this very moment over that bottom picture, the boy is just his type and with those bright red lips it must really be torturing ol’ Cap’n…but now that the boy is single Cap’n thinks he might have a shot…finally! Good Luck with that Cap’n!

  10. Oh, and you just KNOW Cap’n won’t give up til he get’s that boy’s “pearl necklace”…right Gerard?

  11. Reta, what? Is Kelly not man enough for the Captain?

    (This is where I came in!)

  12. Actually, now that Kelly has lost her baby fat and toned up, let alone gained some maturity in her face, I think she is quite a pretty young thing, and shaply and feminine. No, NOTHING that would appeal to Cap’n, not the right parts and not young enough either. He likes the young dumb ones. Too dumb that is to figure him out!

  13. Someone must have chloroformed Strom two days ago, and he just regained consciousness.

  14. Don’t like her or her equally dumb and no-talent family. Ozzy cannot sing or write hit songs, he’s just a stoned out oddity. A joke! So’s the rest of this dumb, overprivileged and overly hyped family. You’re so unimaginative in what you cover, Janet. You’re a shill, you have no skills, either.

  15. Janet is no fool…she is making sure what she covers in some way pays,,,,either via ads or push money…that’s why all these tourist restaurants and grocery stores and clothing shops are mentioned. Its not about the story…it’s about the ads!

  16. Oh come on. The comings and goings, ups and downs of the Osbournes are fodder for celebrity gossip columnists and the like.

    At least the Osbournes are value for money – they are such freaks, one and all.

    Perhaps there are a few who visit this sit who would rather see reportage on the lives of nuns and Nobel Prize winners, and people who run animal rescue operations. I am certainly not one of them.

  17. i like kelly, i think shes hilarious ive grown up with Ozzy and his family (not in person of course but through music) but i think if i grew up with that dude (kellys ex) i think i might like jack more

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