#tokiohotel #billkaulitz #janetcharlton

Last time we saw the German band Tokio Hotel (bottom photo) was two years ago and the lead singer Bill Kaulitz was looking a lot more androgynous, but dependably fashion forward. His skater style twin brother Tom always had dreads (behind Bill in the top photo) so he hasn’t evolved quite so much. The band showed up at Bootsy Bellows nightclub in Hollywood and Bill posed with a fan, above.

Top Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Wow, looks like more than 2 years between the pics. Maybe they were quite young in the first one, because they seem much older in the second.

  2. The Kaulitz Twins are the most interesting pair of twin you will ever meet or even hear of. It’s taken the Hollywood press a long time to discover them but they are in Show Business for the long haul so it was only a matter of time.

    Let’s hope the fourth album is signed, sealed, delivered, and RELEASED before the end of the year! Bill Kaulitz has one of the most unique vocal styles ever. He tells a story every time he sings. He never just sings a song!

  3. The old picture of the twins was taken durning the VMAs of 2008, so that was 4 years ago, rather than 2. Tom’s style is still hiphop/street but it has matured (he no longer wears XXXL or whatever size clothing). He also just recently got his hair re-dreaded, for the past 3 years he had cornrows. Bill however always changes his style! If you look at his hair alone; he used to have his lions mane hairstyle, then to black/white dreads, a mohawk, shaved sides with a poof-thing on his head, bleached his hair blond, then dyed his hair grey and now went back to blond! But yeah, the twins are awesome 🙂

  4. The old picture was taken durning the VMAs of 2008, so its been 4 years rather than 2 years. Toms style may still be hiphop/street but it has matured (he no longer wears XXXL or whatever size clothing). He also recently got his hair re-dreaded after sporting cornrows for 3 years. Bill, however style is always changing! Just by following his hair alone you’ll see. He had the “lions mane” hairstyle, then black/white dreadlocks, a mohawk, shaved sides with a poof-thing on his head, bleached his hair blond, dyed it grey and now went back to blond again! But yeah, the twins are awesome! 🙂 And whats better than their looks? Their music and heart!

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