Jamie Foxx


Jamie Foxx still hasn’t revealed what caused his dramatic health scare last year, but the near death experience made him realized one thing… he wants Katie Holmes back! According to our source, Jamie is still tight lipped when pressed about exactly what happened to him. All he tells friends is that his medical drama made him rethink his priorities and he regrets letting his 6 year romance with Katie slip through his fingers. Although both have moved on to seeing other people, our source says that Jamie’s current relationship is pretty much over, and Katie still isn’t serious with anyone. Jamie is trying hard to win her back, but only time will tell if Katie is receptive to his recent advances.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Katie and Jamie in 2019 in NYC


Jeremy Renner and Casey Affleck are pictured here leaving Kate Beckinsale’s birthday party in the Hollywood Hills- and Jeremy is NOT using a cane. Jeremy, 52, recently started going out again and was seen at an LA comedy club last weekend. Keep in mind, this is a guy who broke 30 bones in that snowplow accident January 1. Jeremy was very open about his accident and every step of his long recovery was documented. We saw photos of the snowplow that ran him over and were told how it happened. He posted many photos from the hospital as he endured multiple surgeries and physical therapy. His health situation was the exact OPPOSITE of Jamie Foxx’s still-secret “medical emergency.” Everything about Foxx’s health problem was undercover -someone even posted a fake greeting to fans that they CLAIMED was from him. Fortunately Jamie seems to have recovered, but from WHAT?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Something doesn’t add up. TMZ just reported that Jamie Foxx was back at work filming a commercial in Las Vegas (see link below) but HOW is this possible in the middle of an actors strike? We’ve all seen those posed photos of Jamie LOOKING healthy and vigorous, BUT we have not seen ANY paparazzi pix and THEY are hot on his trail. And Jamie has still not spoken to or contacted anyone. Conspiracy theories are flying around that it was a lookalike or that perhaps he can’t speak due to a stroke. It’s been ONE BIG MYSTERY since his unexplained medical condition a few months ago, but this latest twist is even more confusing…


Photo Credit: BetMGM


After months in total seclusion with a mystery medical condition, Jamie Foxx was recently seen on a boat in Chicago, and here’s what we know: First, our source says the photos were staged and the paparazzi tipped off (most likely with Jamie’s permission and probably for a generous fee.) Second, Jamie plans to sit down with Oprah Winfrey and FINALLY reveal what medical condition he was suffering from. With speculation running rampant and rumors of a stroke or drug overdose swirling, Jamie decided to set the record straight. He chose Oprah because her prime time interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was a huge ratings success, so Jamie feels his sit-down will also pull in a massive audience.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Jamie Foxx’s daughter Corinne just released a statement that her father has been out of the hospital for weeks recuperating, but it’s what she DIDN’T say that has insiders questioning the validity of her claims. Jamie suffered a mysterious “medical emergency” and he couldn’t complete filming the movie Back in Action. Producers quickly replaced him with a body double, assuming he would NOT return to work. Apparently THEY knew something WE don’t. Although Jamie‘s daughter says Jamie is OUT of the hospital, she DIDN’T say he was recuperating at home, so now some friends fear he’s in rehabilitation because he suffered a debilitating stroke. NOBODY believes Jamie is “playing pickle ball” (With a terribly crushed body, Jeremy Renner kept fans informed- Jamie would do the same if he could) In all our Hollywood reporting years, we have never seen a situation like this where managers and publicists are not speaking for or about, their ailing client. Has Corinne sworn them to silence? WHY? Keep in mind, this is just speculation, but all this subterfuge has those who love Jamie justifiably worried…


Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Don’t assume from this photo that things are OK with Jamie Foxx. He’s been hospitalized for 3 weeks with a mystery medical condition. Jamie recently started posting to his social media accounts, BUT the innocuous posts were probably written by a member of his team – HIS would have been clever. Even Jamie’s longtime friends are being kept in the dark about his condition. A friend of Jamie’s inner circle says that calls and messages from Jamie’s close friends are NOT being answered. (Katie Holmes can get no info) WHY? While everyone is hoping for a miracle, it’s likely the situation is far more dire than is being disclosed. The movie he was filming when he was stricken, Back in Action, has resumed filming with a lookalike! THAT doesn’t happen often. Today a friend of Jamie’s declared on Facebook that Jamie has actually been in a coma for three weeks.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Cameron Diaz believes in signs from above. Cameron took nearly a 10-year break from Hollywood to focus on being a mom and she wasn’t sure she would ever return to acting until her longtime pal Jamie Foxx encouraged her to be his costar in the still filming Netflix film, Back In Action. Now that Jamie has been hospitalized with a mystery condition (some reports say a stroke, others a brain bleed, but no one is his camp is confirming anything) Cameron confided to a friend that she wonders if Jamie’s shocking ailment is actually the universe reinforcing her desire to stop acting. While Cameron has always been spiritual, Jamie’s condition has apparently put her in a tizzy. My source says she’s rethinking her entire “comeback.”

Photo: Instagram- Cameron is more interested in selling her Avaline wine


Jamie Foxx celebrated his 55th birthday guzzling champagne at the L’Arc Club in Paris and he obviously still enjoys being single- the club was loaded with pretty young women. Jamie has never been married- he has two daughters, 14, and 29, and that’s all the family the Django Unchained star wants. Remember, he sneaked around undercover with Katie Holmes for a few years, but they split in 2019. Since then he hasn’t had any steadies – he says he decided early on that the traditional lifestyle (wife, kids and a station wagon) was not for him. He loves his life and career as it is now.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Okay, sometimes we get a little carried away when it comes to men’s fashion – but it’s always a revealing and interesting subject. Take this photo of Jamie Foxx, for example. Jamie loves fashion and we appreciate the colorful fleece jacket, plaid shirt, and jeans that he wore for dinner at Catch. But a close look at the 54 year old actor’s shoes is what tickled our fancy. Apparently being 5’8” is not enough for Jamie- he is wearing built-up wedgie sneakers that give him an extra 2 1/2 or 3 inches of height. Maybe he picked up a few tips about height enhancement from an expert when he costarred with Tom Cruise in Collateral

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Jamie Foxx is smart and he has no fear of eating Chinese food. However, unlike the rest of us, when he gets a craving for chow mein or Peking duck or wonton soup, he picks up an order at the elegant Mr Chow in Beverly Hills.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA