Simon Cowell admits he is “terrified” of catching coronavirus. He’s been wearing masks every time he leaves the house for WEEKS, and he’s popping vitamins right and left. Why so panicky? Simon is not only 60, but he’s in the habit of smoking 80 cigarettes a day. When Gabrielle Union was fired from AGT, she threatened to sue Simon for “endangering her life” with his illegal smoking on the set. Years of smoking makes Simon a candidate for a very bad virus outcome. Note that Simon is NOT wearing his elevator shoes while riding today with his partner Lauren Silverman, her son Adam Silverman, and their son Eric Cowell.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Monday, April 6, 2020
Sonny Corleone is exactly right. Masks are to be worn by those who are ill,; they offer no protection for healthy wearers. Cov-19 is NOT airborne, but if someone infected coughs or sneezes in close proximity to you – hence the 6 foot rule – their saliva or sputum containing virus particles may spread infection – but the virus itself isn’t carried in the air.
Frank Sheeran
I wonder if Simon protects himself when he is taking it up his backside from one of his ghey toy bois?
Liza with an L
British super spreaders of the virus. Arrest them
Sonny Corleone
wearing a mask doesn’t protect you, it protects others from your spit, sneezes, coughs and sputum.