Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Reese Witherspoon knows what she likes, and she gave her boyfriend, agent Jim Toth, a makeUNDER. When she met him he was in the habit of wearing Savile Row suits and ties and he always looked dressed up. She wanted him to look more casual and kid-friendly on his days off so she introduced him to Gap jeans and flip flops. Big mistake, if you ask us.

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  1. It’s probably just so her kids feel more comfortable around him.

  2. Off the top, I see nothing wrong or contradictory with dressing up and casually down depending on your planned activity and/or destination, and it seems perfectly normal for those activities becoming more relaxed and comfortable over time also reflected in the dress code. What I don’t care for in either photo is his buzz hair cut. It looks severe, military-ish, and unflattering on him imo.

  3. Toth instinctively knows that he is not all that attractive, and needs to do everything he can to be presentable. Just look at the photo on the right – he looks like a red-neck douche bag. Men are the uglier sex, there are lot of ugly guys, and then some guys are uglier than sin.

  4. Looks like the bossy little tramp is calling all the shots. No wonder sweet lil gay boi Jakey went screaming for the hills.

    But we hear Jim Boi-Toth has major sizemeat and regularly splits her open like a ripe mellon.

    Lucky Lady Fish and her Jade Gate sees more action now than Paris Hilton on a warm Saturday night in April.


  5. Mrs. Campbell, I laughed so hard, I peed a little.

    Yeah, there is a Kylie Minogue thing there – little woman, Big boy, everyone happy!

  6. ‘Men are the uglier sex, there are lot of ugly guys, and then some guys are uglier than sin.’

    Yes, indeed. You are the right one to discuss the attractiveness of men!

  7. Palermo, I do it myself sometimes, but that is douche bag dressing, not casual.

  8. SQS, pretty stupid considering my comment. Takes some time off from wanking to actually read the comments.

  9. Is this a genuine relationship or is she just bearding this dude again? ….Discuss

  10. HaHaHa. Pippa-London, I won’t enter the fray. I am to gay what Senator McCarthy was to Communism.

  11. First photo: He looks like one of Tarantino’s ‘Reservoir Dogs’ about to pull a heist. Not a good look in my opinion… even for London or NYC.

    The second photo is NOT an improvement. He looks like some 40’ish Dad dragging his brood around Disneyland on a hot afternoon.

    Whatsmore, it’s looks as if he’s asking RW for his allowance. I mean seriously, what else is she scratching around in that bag for whilst he’s literally got his hand out?

    (Only thing missing is his tin cup)

  12. The way Toth dresses casually, no style, proves he is not gay.

  13. HaHa Bluejay. Good point. However, note that there is such a thing as the gay douche bag.

  14. Long tiny pointed chin, one wonders how many teeth can fit into the bottom.

  15. And Captain America would say:

    Don’t you mean, how much Toth would fit into her bottom?

  16. Handbasket, in the second photo he is demanding the rest of her self-respect.

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