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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We cannot figure out why Pippa Middleton (above) and her sister Kate are criticized because they recycle their clothes and wear them more than once – sometimes over and over. What’s more, they shop at affordable stores! Certainly they are photographed as much as the Kardashians, who are never seen in the same outfit or wearing the same shoes twice. The Kardashians sell their costly cast-offs on eBay and since they get most of the clothes free, they make a nice profit. Another reason to admire the Middleton sisters.

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  1. Nicky

    By Patrick
    On September 17, 2011 at

    “Nicky made it clear when he was posting as Rick his mission was to troll this site because of what he believes to be Janet’s allowance of racism by some posters. He then came back as Mel Zipskin among others. He now posts as Nicky and is stringing along Casonia for kicks.
    Just ignore the troll. It is a small troll.”

    I don’t anyone named Rick or Mel. I have never claimed to be either of those people.

    I am nice to Casonia because I was ashamed at how hateful I had become to her because I didn’t understand her. I noticed one evening that no one had a single kind thing to say to her. Nothing. I know that I am not a saint but I could certainly do better than I was doing. What is the harm in a kind word? Instead of berating someone with harsh things ….why not ask how they are or commend them when they say something that egos your views. ???


    By Taffy Davenport
    On September 17, 2011 at

    “Nicky, sweetie. Time to change your tampon hon. It wasn’t meant to last the WHOLE week.”

    -What does that even mean? Why would you say something like that to me? Is this someone’s idea of cleverness?

    Please just move on.

  2. Casonia of Seattle..Who is going to win hells kitchen this year..It is going to suck to see Elisa win! That Girl is a Nightmare walking? Talk the talk and walk the walk. Do what you say and say what you do!

    She looks alright and she is Rich and that is the only reason she is a big deal and from know on she is not going to be able to get away with anything any more..Her life is nolonger her life!

  3. Casonia of Seattle..Who is going to win hells kitchen this year..It is going to suck to see Elisa win! That Girl is a Nightmare walking? Talk the talk and walk the walk. Do what you say and say what you do!


  4. Cute outfit

    Well it shows that the Middleton sisters have VALUES. They understand that it’s foolish to throw money away because they aren’t spoiled brats. People like Paris Hilton make me sick with their wastefulness.

  5. Palermo

    LOL Nicky

  6. yoyo

    Why does almost every post have to mention the K tarts? Janet you on their payroll? Recycled wardrobe is okay so long as it’s not underwear.

  7. Chilli

    Pippa is not very attractive. People confuse thin for looking good. She is a plain Jane.

  8. nicky

    of course, i will speak with casonia. she is genuinely nice.

  9. Nicky

    I don’t care.

    Just post. Don’t speak to me and I don’t speak to you freaks.

  10. Caren


    I think that Strom is either comment moderator or wants us to think that he is the moderator.

    Well Strom?????

  11. Nicky

    Palermo — “it’s not about the posters”.
    you are not suppose to care what the other person posts or doesn’t post.

    according to strom, we are not suppose to comment to one another. write you comment and move on.

  12. Palermo

    why are there always so many replies now about things that have absolutely nothing to do with the article?

  13. nicky

    casonia– it means a lot that you would help me out. it seems like i always leave something important out when i am cooking. my brother will be here at around 6:30 p.m. but he is usually 20 or 30 minutes late.

    what time should i start the meal? around 6:00?

  14. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen

    Dear Nick add the sloppy joe mix and add some veggies like onions and if you have can tomatos around put that in there as well and…I am create when it comes down to cooking and… Happy to help you and thanks for asking and hope you really enjoy your meal when it is time?

  15. nicky

    casonia– you are a sweetheart. this sounds so good. i can’t wait to try it. I have a packet of dry sloppy joe mix would that be okay to put in the hamburger mix. ? i am actually looking forward to cooking this. thank you so much for your help.

    you know, i would have never have thought to use the french bread for the pizza crust. i mean i know people do that but it just would not have occured to me. what a cool idea.

  16. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen

    Dear Nicky, Just use what you have and look at your spice rack and just cook the meat on medium heat and add onion and garlic and spices together until the meat is brown and then add the tomatos and sauce and then let it cook and stir it from the bottom but the fat will float up to the top and use a spoon and gather the fat and scoop it away in a cup? But grilling the bread in the oven open faced…Meaning you simply split it in two and boil the hard side first and keep an eye on it in the oven and turn it to the inside and add the cheese and then let it melt and then take your hamburger meat…Which should taste like a sloppy joe and put the meat on it and matter of fact when cooking your meat go easy on the salt and use other spices as your browning the meat to give it flavor and allow the spices to set into the meat and sauce for flavor.

  17. nicky


    that sounds like a great idea!

    do i have to cook the meat first? how hot do i make the oven? do i use the french bread for the pizza crust? how long do i cook it?

    i also buy new thing every now and then ( nothing outrageous )but i don’t have money to blow right now.

  18. Casonia..Verble abuse is a shock to people and on Hells kitchen it all Boils down to a job and being able to listen to some one call you out of your name if you screw up! Words may hurt but the job is good? On Hells kitchen

    Dear Nicky you could do Hamburger Pizza and mixing cheese together and placing the meaty sauce and cheese on top to melt in the oven would be wonderful. Yes I value my clothes and do everything in my power to take care of them but it would be so stupid and dumb to wear clothes once and toss it out…In life there are other bills and responsibles and…That is the reason God created washers and dryers.

  19. nicky

    i grew up wearing hand-me-downs. the clothes were still good and i always went clean and ironed.

    i have bought several pieces of antique furniture the last few years at estate sales and yard sales. i like going to them.

  20. nicky

    casonia— if you don’t have a recipe handy for chili then maybe something i can do with hamburger beef. that is the only meat in my refrigerator until tomorrow. i have cheese, spices, onion, tomoato sauce pizza cheese, french bread and some other stuff

  21. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n

    In real life would you buy cloths one time and wear it again and that is real life and really unfair to make some one feel small! Real life would you do that toss away your cloths..Just because you where seen in it twice…Matter of fact throw all your cloths away and get new ones and see how it effects your pocket?

  22. nicky

    Hey Casonia!

    whatcha got to say today ??!! i know all of us look forward to hearing from you.

    got a good recipe for chili?

  23. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n

    Why should she be forced to toss away new cloths to make herself look good to the world and matter of fact leave her alone and stop talking about her cloths all together but the world keep acting like there is something wrong with wearing your cloths over and over again.

  24. nicky

    forrest gump —You sound like pippa martins-st. onge and strom—–congratulations

  25. Casonia...In real life no one gets away with talking to me the way Chef Gordon Ramsay gets away talking to the people that are trying out for a job at Hells kitchen but it is all about kissing ass and taking verble abuse for a job but in real life every n

    In real life your going to wear the same cloths over and over again, And in real life it happens and…Only if your smoking rich,You can afford it but in real life no way.

  26. forrest gump

    (F*ggots included)

  27. Ivy

    Janet, I 100 percent agree! What average American does not recycle?? In today’s. Society how uncool to wear something once and throw it in the land fill. The Kardasasians are beyond tasteless with No talent, cannot wait till there 5 minutes of fame are up!!!!!! The Middletons are awesome!!!

  28. Muffin

    There is a few differences between Pippa & The Kardashian’s….

    The Kardashian’s are making money, hand over fist by not recycling their clothes! That is why they have so many fans. People like to see what they are wearing today. They are also being paid to wear those clothes.

    Pippa doesn’t have that kind of money, yet.

  29. Indy

    Pippa is just one step above ordinary looking, as is this outfit. Her anorexic sister is just one little step above Pippa. lol

  30. Kait

    The Middletons would be embarrassed to hear they were compared to the Kardashians.

  31. Caren Mead Shankman


    Where is your Ms Reta? Isn’t out on a medical leave? Hope she is much better now.

  32. Patrick

    Kardashians aren’t real.
    They’re puppets.

  33. Natalie

    Normal people in their normal every-day lives rewear their clothes countless times. What’s wrong with that? For cebrities to wear something different every single day is disgusting. And if they are getting the clothes for free and then selling them, that’s even more appalling.

  34. Caren Shankman

    In fact, I just glimpsed myself in the mirror and virtually everything I have on has come from a rummage sale (except my boots).

  35. Caren Shankman

    It is just stupid to not wear your clothes over and over. In this day and age when people are out of work or have had their hours and/or wages cut, I can’t stand to hear about those snooty Kardashians and how repulsed they are by anything common or ordinary.

    They can kiss my butt.

  36. Denise

    Don’t we all “recycle” our clothes?

  37. CoCo

    I don’t know, maybe they LIKE some of their own clothes.

  38. missy

    Those Kardashians are just muttons trying to be lambs.