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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



Mackenzie Phillips seems to be doing all right! The One Day at a Time star turned up at a drug rehabilitation event for performers and she looks happy and healthy. Mackenzie, 55, grew up in a world of rich hippies, drugs, and incest – her father was singer John Phillips. She was a star at 13, thanks to American Graffiti. After a lifetime battle with substance abuse, she now works at the Pasadena Recovery Center as a drug counselor. She still acts – and not long ago guest starred on Hot in Cleveland with her old pal Valerie Bertinelli. (Her son Shane is now a 28 year old musician.)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Peggy Gordien

    Mackenzie, I read your book twice and it was very interesting. Thank you for sharing all that information about your life. I really like the movie American Graffiti. You were great in that movie. My favorite line was when you yelled out of the window of the car, something like: “your car is so ugly, it’s uglier than me.” Then you said: “I can’t believe I said that.” You know that was great! You seemed so natural. You have such a nice sweet face and I wish I could meet you in person because I feel so sorry that you have felt so sad and lonely over the years. Especially with a father that was like a friend to you and treated you like an adult; Different than my father! I do feel sorry about the experience you had with him however. It’s so hard to imagine because he appeared to be so soft spoken, charming, handsome, and having a kind and gentle face in my eyes. I hope you visit Minneapolis, MN with a book to sign. Sincerely, Peggy G.

  2. missyco

    Looks like her doing something in life means lots of good old plastic altering of the face. I never would have known who that face belonged to!

  3. MissEva

    As I recall, she later backed off that accusation against her father.

  4. mister baja

    we’re still trying to find out ‘WHAT’.

  5. Strom

    little imposter likes to imposter on me from the call center homo ranch

  6. Strom

    irregardless shes a knarly lesbian

  7. Patricia

    It was horrifying to learn MacKenzie’s dad committed incest with her when she was a teenager. It’s great to know she’s seemingly taken the terrible experiences of her youth and created a good life for herself, regardless. She had such a disgusting father. He should have been in prison.

  8. Someone

    Bless her for pulling it together against all odds.

  9. Philberto Cardenez

    It’s amazing that the human body can take so much abuse.