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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Former Scientologist Leah Remini is our hero this week. She has been reportedly doing everything she can to see that Danny “That 70’s Show” Masterson goes on trial for three counts of rape – at least that’s what Masterson is claiming. Today Masterson was in court for a pre-trial hearing before a judge to decide if the case will go to court. Scientologist Masterson has hired one of the world’s most expensive lawyers, Tom Mesereau (OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson’s lawyer.) It’s estimated that Michael Jackson paid Mesereau 100 million dollars in his child sex case! Do you suppose the church of Scientology is helping pay for this? If Masterson is found guilty it will be a huge blow to the church – you can read a detailed account of the hearing on Tony Ortega’s blog.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Joe Romano

    WHO GIVES A SHIT?????????????????

  2. Light Brigade

    Go Leah! She knows how those Scientologists roll.

  3. Tom Cruise's stenographer

    That isn’t a half bad pic of Leah. That surgery she had is unfortunate. She was such a pretty lady.