Who’s bright idea was it to invite a 101 year old stroke victim in a wheelchair to appear on The Golden Globes? Granted, Kirk Douglas was a big boxoffice star in the 50’s and 60’s and he did deserve recognition for that, however he would have been better served if his daughter-in-law Catherine Zeta-Jones had appeared alone and presented clips of Kirk in his famous roles. Not only did poor Kirk look awful, but he cannot speak clearly. It was an unnecessarily sad and disturbing segment of the show. Also, one cannot ignore the fact that Kirk had an unfortunate history with women – in the past he was kindly described as a “womanizer” and has been accused of raping a teenage Natalie Wood.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Monday, January 8, 2018
He and his wife had an open marriage arrangement. She knew he wasn’t ever going to be faithful until his “winkie” ran out of energy.
He is a pig. There’s been more than one rumor about Douglas raping actresses and being overly aggressive with them.
There were other abusive men out there in the audience and many that haven’t been outed yet too.
In fact, there are some well liked/loved male celebrities that have been rumored to mistreat young females and young males. Wonder if those will be in the news soon.
I’ve known about the Natalie Wood rape report for about a year now; when this segment of the show came on, I left the room. Shameful.
Israel Rabinowitz
Why? How tasteless
take a golden wheelchair like larry flint and dress up like a pimp………….or stay at home.
Wait? Hold on missy…There were how many men at that awards ceremony guilty of “womanizing” or how about actresses “whoring” around on husbands and/or lisasons for career gains (opportunistic endeavors goes both ways._?)?
But lets say Kirk wasn’t a skirt chaser and just old as rocks? If he desires to be on that stage to get HIS AWARD then he has EVERY RIGHT (no matter how much you dislike his appearances). Is that AGE discrimination?
It made no sense having this rapist albeit now stroke victim at an award show that was highlighting sexual assault victims. Unless it was a warning to potential abusers that this too can be your fate. Ughgh if we were really that lucky.