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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We’ve been pondering the REAL reason behind Khloe Kardashian’s unnecessary announcement that she just had a cancerous tumor (?) removed from her cheek by plastic surgeon Dr Garth Fisher. Certainly no one would have noticed she had ANYTHING done without this abundance of publicity. Her skin problem was the size of a pea, hidden by her hair, and barely visible- especially considering her obsession with photoshopping all her pics. Perhaps she announced this procedure simply to give Garth Fisher favorable publicity. Fans will assume Fisher was the surgeon who gave Khloe her new face awhile back, and they will be lined up outside his office. Can’t hurt to have a grateful plastic surgeon in your life!

Photo: instagram

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  1. Elainey's gossip

    She looks so much like her Father , double murderer and convicted felon OJ ‘the juice’ Simpson.

  2. Harleigh Jaye

    She looks more like Kim only a blonde version. If they all go to Garth Fisher, you’d expect them to all look that similar.
    And…don’t even get me started in the family choice in men. Can we say LOSERS in love?? They are nothing but rich ‘baby mamas’ who are unable to discipline their kids. Several of them have admitted such online. I feel for all those kids…they all are gonna have issues.

  3. Sally

    She needs constant nips and tucks. As she ages she looks more and more like her Father disgraced killer OJ Simpson