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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


This vintage photo of the Kardashians and Jenners appeared on Instagram and we can only IMAGINE how upset Khloe must be – because she wasn’t able to photoshop her face! Everybody looks fresh and natural. It’s only a matter of time before she has the picture removed. Unless, of course, she’s come up with a method for photoshopping vintage photos. When there’s an app for that, Khloe will get it first!

Photo: Instagram

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  1. Paula

    All ugly no talent whores!

  2. Tanya M.

    OJ? I thought she and OJ’s wife were friends… also I thought it was the hair dresser. Seems weird that she and Nicole’s daughter look NOTHING alike. Maybe she just didn’t look like Robert but from the mother’s family? I’m gathering that she is a vain lady from the article.

  3. Mariah

    They still hide the truth that OJ Simpson is her biological Father .