#jamiefoxx #janetcharlton
a href=”http://www.janetcharlton.com/images/2012/12/jamie_foxx_3141cut.jpg”>

For SOME reason, nobody is paying much attention to that comic named Katt Williams who says that Jamie Foxx is gay. (Granted, he does seem a little out of control.) Williams obviously has a problem with Foxx and during an LA gig, he went on a rant about the Django Unchained star. Katt even angrily joked that HE turned down the Django role before Jamie accepted it. The comic went on to say that Jamie Foxx is having a gay affair with singer Marcus Anthony, who is signed to Jamie’s label. (He has a label?) (photo above) Gay rumors HAVE circulated about Jamie, but they were simply rumors. Neither Jamie nor Marcus have commented yet on Williams inflammatory remarks.

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  1. Why is it “inflammatory” that someone might be gay? I always find it interesting that stars have to “defend” themselves against these kinds of things. So what if he’s gay? It’s not a crime, for pete’s sake.

  2. It’s only “inflammatory” for a Hollywood leading man who wants to be perceived s straight…

  3. Wha, wha, whaaa, Janet is answering questions?!

    Oooohhhhh, wait Janet misspelled.

  4. Janet is hardly homophobic! I accept her explanation for why she used the term inflammatory. Katt Williams must have been turned down by Foxx for a sexual escapade.

  5. Well it is good that these things are in the open. It should not affect the character the actor plays—witness Neil Patrick Harris in How I Met Your Mother.

  6. No one’s paying attention because it’s Katt Williams saying it. The most absurd statement is that Tarantino would have offered him (crackhead) the part over Jamie Foxx (Oscar winner).

  7. Send them and Queen Latifah and “her trainer” to Gay Island!

    No matter what the PC’ers say, Gay is not normal or OK!

  8. Janet you are older than Jesus so you should have a list of names of all the celebs,past and present that are judging show hosts, singers, actors that are paying women to be their girlfriends and wives. You can’t be acting like you care when you know how hollywood works.

  9. Just wondering why Jamie Foxx is closeted and has a couple of children. I think he’s as gay as Frank Ocean who also claims to be bi.

  10. I believe what Kat Williams said is TRUE. If Jaime Foxx is not gay then why is gay rumors folling him? Why? Think about that. Because that IS the Hollywood way. All them (99%)dudes(and gals too) at the top of the entertainment biz is gay. it’s a ritual with them. AND it’s just “business” too. They know they have to give up real ass to get real MONEY and FAME. Stop living in a fairy tale. Hollywood IS a cess pool of sin and sickness…

  11. Want that loot?….you gotta suck that , Eat that..like in a real way. Use your internets…search for urself. It’s all right there in ur face. No secret…it’s like knowing who is the highest rate of unemployed people in America?…Easy, Black Males…Why?…Because the other man fear us. Break a Colt..turn him soft. Turn him Gay..No future for the black race if there are no Black babies being made. Search 4 urself. No hate just Real grown folk Knowledge.

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