Sometimes our readers are amazingly observant. This photo of David Miscavige in his military best also features a picture of him and Tom Cruise on the wall behind him. The photo was taken in 2008 when the Tom, his wife Katie Holmes, and Miscavige watched motorcycle races in Monterey California. David LOVES photos of himself with movie star Tom, but he HATES Katie for abandoning Scientology and taking Suri along with her. A smart reader pointed out that – if you look closely- you can see that Katy’s face has been BLACKED OUT! Destroyed! Really? And Miscavige wants us to think he’s a normal person?

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  1. It’s probably a very good thing that Tom Cruise never sees his daughter Suri. He’s “best friends” with this little twerp and obviously approves of his ex-wife’s face being blacked out. It’s creepy and there’s a sense of violence to it.

  2. I never really noticed it before but Tom and Miscarriage could be brothers.

    (typo…. but it stays)

  3. Katie disgraced herself when she decided to go BLACK so she deserves to be blackened out!

  4. I think this is a fake – someone like Miscavige doesn’t black out a face on a picture – he has someone re-frame the picture and the offending person removed.

  5. With Katie’s recent “relationships”, having her in Blackface is most appropriate!

  6. Maybe adding one with Paula Abdul in blackface would also be timely!

  7. You should’ve noticed it yourself, Janet. It’s pretty obvious–and twisted, like the Scientologists themselves.

  8. Which branch of the military has David Miscarriage been in??? He looks like a highly decorated hero!!!!

  9. He’s a Jim Jones for the millennials. They love him. If you look closely you can see Will Smith in an adjacent photo.

  10. I think it’s fake as well. But, yes, when you leave this cult, you are considered DEAD. So, I doubt Cruise will spend much time with Suri, if at all. And he will NEVER see Katie. Very sad, and very sick, all around.

  11. What’s with the nazi outfit….Creepy…

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