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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Kat Von D has nineteen reasons to keep the 4.5 karat Neil Lane engagement ring that Jesse James gave her and she’s gonna put up a fight. She called off their engagement when she caught him cheating, but recently tweeted that she has discovered a total of 19 different women that he fooled around with with during the year they were together. Now she’s REALLY angry. She kept the ring when they split and Jesse is demanding it back. Kat won’t budge and friends predict the battle will get ugly.

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  1. Herhamez Pterodactyl

    If you are a male its dumb to get married. If you are a rich male and you get married its dumb squared..moron

  2. sandy

    They both have bad taste in a partner.

  3. Bluejay

    As Wendy Williams said, Jesse must be lousy in the sack in that nobody came back for seconds.

  4. krtmom

    She should sell it and donate the money to an abused women’s center or other worthy causes!

  5. Christine India aka Indy

    He is one fugly creep, what in the heck is his appeal?

    The way her face sticks out in this picture looks like a MASK> “)

  6. Nina

    Who does Jesse think he is, Tiger Woods? 19 women??? Wonder how Cat dug up these women? None of them were in the news. He should just be castrated and put everyone out of their misery.

  7. Dragonfly

    I believe by law it is hers to keep. That was so funny about Kim Kardashian’s prenup, the fact that she had a clause in there to buy the ring from Kris if they split. She didn’t have to buy it, it was hers to keep but she was too dumb to know I guess.

  8. Hello

    He’s chezzy for even asking for the ring back. If he can throw his dick anywhere so should the diamond ring to Kat.

  9. Kitty

    Why do women always think it’ll be different with them?!

  10. forrest gump

    pssssssssssst: DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER!!

  11. Bluejay

    Agreed she’s not smart. Kat could have said the ring went down the drain when she was washing dishes, and had the diamonds reset, and sold the setting. Not thinking through things was her problem.

  12. Say Something Nice

    Surely Jesse slipped a guy in there (or two!) among the “19”—just to make it clear, that, um, no, he no likey the tattooed snatch no mo.

  13. Hillary's Duff

    She has an IQ of 68.

  14. Strom

    Skanky looking women w/ tattoo’s~

  15. diva

    Ok I’m in tears now. Who could have predicted this? Oh, yeah everyone.

  16. Muffie!!

    The only ring she should give to JJ is…

    Ring around the DICK!!

  17. diva

    Oh NO! Jesse cheated? How unlike him. Color me shocked. Wow. Who’d believe it?

  18. palermo

    Leopards don’t change their spots. I’d keep the ring too.

  19. Cleo

    I suspect that she likes being in the tabloids more than she really cares about being cheated on.

  20. Denise

    Poor thing. I’m sure she’s just devastated that he would cheat on her. Nothing soothes wounds like a nice chunk of ice.

  21. Prissa