#jonhamm #janetcharlton
Didn’t Jon Hamm absorb a THING about men’s fashion after playing the dapper Don Draper on Mad Men all these years? Really, the Draper character is catnip to women of all ages and a lot of it is because of his immaculate grooming and style. Off camera, Hamm allows himself to look like any other schlump on the street. And he has all the basic ingredients of good looks and physique to work with! On a hot New York day, Don would have worn khaki pants and a neat sport shirt with loafers and shades. Of course, Jon’s look makes it easier to get around the city without those admiring glances…
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Sunday, August 26, 2012
LOL! That’s totally St. Louis style right there. You can take the boy out of the mid-west…and that is all.
Sugar Tits
Again, Janet is a dingbat and her posts are as ridiculous as she is.
Is it any wonder why Janet doesn’t post pictures of herself? She’s a disgrace. John Hamm in his worst state looks like gold versus Janet when she’s made up in her clown paint.
You be quiet, Denise.
I agree Janet, he should remove those awful clothes and immediately make his way to my house.
On another Mad Men note, and please forgive me Patrick, but Christina Hendricks is another one who is dressed impeccably as her character, but in real life, has no idea how to dress her body. One would think she’d learn tips from the show’s costumers.
Walt, I see the comment you made about him wearing boxer shorts. It’s there, did you leave more than that?
walt cliff
Why are my comments not showing up or being deleted? They aren’t mean or offensive. What’s going on here???
Dragon, it’s a little surprising to see the dapper charachter from Mad Men in real life looking like he needs a mommy to dress him proper. Seriously, he reminds me of one of my slob batchelor buddies.
What a day we have here. Tornado warning for Tampa, hurricane heading for the Gulf coast and earthquake swarms in SoCal!
Hunker down ya’ll!
I think Janet is confusing a character with a real person. Just because he plays a character that dresses nice, does not mean he will carry that over to real life. That is absurd and delusional to think they are one in the same.
walt cliff
Looks like he is wearing his boxer shorts. Plus, the polo looks too short for him.
This is the way to NOT get recognized in public. He still looks pretty good to me, though! 🙂
I was gonna blast Sugar Tits. But I see it’s gone.
Got your six, Janet.
there obviciously is a time when american actors change into SISSY-BOY’S aka F*GGOT-FRIENDS?
I would think a person would get tired of always looking perfect.
Jesus christ, the man has no lips, how does he kiss or suck?
Good god. I wouldn’t even walk around the house like that. Burn this guys wardrobe and start him over.
Don’t you dare post pics of Christina Hendricks frumping around like that, Janet.